Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 262 God Level Power

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Luo Chuan spit out a mouthful of mud, his head became ashamed.

He gasped, and at this moment, his sword marks, especially his chest, had his ribs chopped by a sharp edge.

He found that after the fourth spirit ring had once again increased its sharpness, it was already beyond his control.

This was something that Jiuxin Haitang hadn't noticed before.

Perhaps it is because of the different nature of Jiuxin Begonia's healing ability and this attacking skill.

Naked, he mobilized Jiuxin Begonia.

Like the Seven Kill Sword, the Nine Hearts Begonia are all spirit rings with the same spirit ability.

When the first spirit ring lights up, the wound on his body heals at the speed of the naked eye. After the second one lights up, the speed increases again. When the third spirit ring is used, the ribs recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After the fourth spirit ring was activated, all the broken ribs were connected, and the sword wound on his body basically disappeared.

In fact, since Jiuxin Haitang had more than five spirit rings, he rushed to use the fifth spirit ring.

Even if it was seriously injured last time, it didn't use it, because the healing power of the first four spirit rings was terrifying.

But compared to the fact that the fourth spirit ring of the Seven Killing Sword inflicted him on the release just now, the fourth spirit ring of Jiuxin Haitang was extremely gentle.

One to kill and one to save are two extremes.

"It's better to have a milder skill. Jiuxin Begonia can live and die with flesh and bones, and the sharpness of the Seven Killing Sword actually hurts me."

Luo Chuan smiled bitterly.

He thought he could be like Jiuxin Haitang, but he ignored the special nature of the sword.

The sword is full of blades on both sides, and it is enough to hurt the owner if it is not mastered.

He looked at the blue light gleaming in the huge crack split by the sword aura, like a sword of seven kills in the scorching sun, very headache.

This is only the fourth spirit ability, so how about the fifth spirit ability?

"16 times the edge, I'm afraid Qian Daoliu may not be able to stop it, can I double it again, isn't it comparable to a god?"

Thinking of this, he showed excitement.

He hurriedly backed away for a kilometer, and with a thought, the fifth spirit ring moved.

The next moment, the sword light brightened again, and the terrifying sword aura spread.

The ground continued to crack, and this time not only the earth but also the sky cracked.

A space crack appeared, the black void seemed to swallow everything, and his sword was about to be swallowed.

"Your uncle."

Luo Chuan, who was avoiding the sword spirit, cursed, and with a hurried thought, let the Seven Kill Sword fly away.

However, the edge of the Seven Kills Sword at this moment is too terrifying, even if his thoughts are actually shredded, his control over the Seven Kills Sword is much reduced.

Seeing that the space crack message swallowed the Seven Kill Sword, he hurriedly stopped the four spirit abilities, which reduced the power of the Seven Kill Sword and was able to quickly control the Seven Kill Sword to leave the space crack.

Looking at the Seven Kill Sword returning to his side, Luo Chuan's eyelids jumped.

What did he get out of it, with his current strength, he couldn't actually activate five spirit rings.

According to one spirit ring to strengthen the attack twice, five spirit rings are activated at the same time, the power is 32 times the original.

This has surpassed Title Douluo, it should have reached the god level.

If all nine spirit rings can be activated, that's 512 times. I'm afraid the gods can kill them casually, right?

Unfortunately, his body and spirit simply couldn't bear it.

With the three spirit rings just now, his physical body couldn't bear the sharpness of the Seven Killing Sword. After the fourth spirit ring was activated, his mental power was somewhat out of control.

It seems that this is the extreme terrifying attack power, far more terrifying than treatment.

No matter how powerful the treatment is, it will be life and death, and it will not be destructive.

"Destruction is more difficult to control than recovery. It seems that I need to improve my mental power and physique, otherwise I can't spur more spirit rings."

Luochuan found the key.

The seven kill swords strengthened by the five spirit rings were close to or even reaching the god level in power. He didn't know whether it had reached it.Qiushuzhai Chinese www.qiushuzhai.com

But he knows that this requires him to have physical and spiritual qualities.

"Try to improve your spirit and physique."

Luo Chuan plans to spend 20 billion energy first to increase his physical and spiritual levels by 100,000 points.

But in the end he only improved to 99999 points.

"You are upgrading your mental power to divine mind, and it will cost 100 billion energy, which is not enough to increase!"

"You are upgrading your physique to a divine body, and you need to spend 100 billion energy. There is not enough energy to improve!"

After Luo Chuan adjusted to the skyrocketing attributes, he looked at the prompt and opened his eyes wide.

"I'll go, this will reach the god level? The cost is so high?"

According to the meaning of the system, this time the leap will cost 100 billion, which is estimated to be an improvement in that point.

This was the most expensive attribute point he encountered.

However, considering that this is a transformation from man to god, this hundred billion does not seem to be expensive.

After all, it cost nearly 100 billion to copy the Seven Kill Sword before, which is really nothing.

As always, affordable.

"Although the spiritual power and physical constitution of the god level are still very different from the god position, as long as it is achieved, my combat effectiveness should not be bad."

Luo Chuan guessed, and then found out that he was going to collect energy to krypton gold.

The transformation of two attributes is 200 billion, and it is not enough to destroy the Star Luo Empire three times.

Either kill a few more Title Douluo, or go to the Slaughter Capital once, there is no other choice for the time being.

Now the sixth spirit ring of the Seven Kill Sword could not be activated for the time being.

The mental power raised to 99999 points, I want to come to the seven kill sword that can barely control the five rings.

After all, compared to the previous mental power, this time the mental power has tripled.

Luo Chuan urged the Seven Kill Sword again.

After the five spirit rings lighted up, Void was directly cut open by sword energy.

But this time Luo Chuan's mental power controlled the Seven Kill Sword and flew up in the sky, leaving space cracks.

After getting used to it for a while, Luo Chuan stopped tiredly.

The consumption of mental power is still too great to be activated for a long time, basically just one blow.

He dissipated his spirit skills and recalled the Seven Killing Sword, suddenly his pupils shrank.

There was a crack on the Seven Kill Sword.

"How could it be possible that Wuhun released his own spirit ability and could still crack?"

Luo Chuan felt that he was about to split.

This was the first time he had activated the same five spirit rings for a long time, and this happened.

"It's difficult, the bonus is too much, Wuhun can't bear it!"

Luo Chuan frowned.

Apart from this reason, he couldn't think of any other reasons.

"It should be that my cultivation base is not enough, and the quality of the spirit is not high enough, but the five spirit rings have god-level power, so the spirit cannot bear it."

It was the first time Luo Chuan understood that God-level power was not so easy to obtain.

Even if he could achieve it by stacking his martial souls, it would not be sustainable.

It is not necessary in the future, it seems that the five rings cannot be used at the same time.

"No hurry, the Seven Killing Swords of the Fourth Ring are enough to crush Qian Daoliu, and it is estimated that the fifth ring will not be used."

Luochuan comforted himself.

The attack power of the Seven Killing Sword that took the extreme route was more terrifying than other Wuhun.

The first ring is comparable to the level 95 Super Douluo, the second ring is level 97, the third ring can definitely threaten level 99, the fourth ring is not a god but also a demigod, and the fifth ring definitely reaches the god level.

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