You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!With this attack power, how many people on the mainland can stop it?

Not to mention the Seven Killing Sword, the comprehensive combat power of other Wuhuns is now enough to reach level 99.

This is the case with the Seven Killing Sword, and the same is true when I want to come to Jiuxin Haitang.

However, there is still a difference between the two who attack each treatment.

Nine Heart Begonia should be able to bear a few more, perhaps six or seven spirit rings.

He suddenly realized why Jiuxin Begonia is so rare, there are only two in a generation.

Each spirit ring of this thing has an effect, which is too abnormal when superimposed.

In particular, he is all one hundred thousand year spirit rings, that is the metamorphosis in the metamorphosis.

On the contrary, like Ye Lingling, the spirit ring is relatively normal, and may be able to grow into a titled Douluo while activating the nine rings.

He definitely couldn't do it now, and Wuhun absolutely couldn't bear too many hundred thousand year spirit rings.

"I knew it, let the mammoth of masonry also absorb all defensive spirit skills, so I should be able to make myself defense invincible."

Luo Chuan regretted making the Mammoth Martial Spirit look exactly like that Hu Yanzhen.

"Comprehensive collocations are also okay, at least it can be activated now, so I don't think much about it. Let other spirits absorb the ninth spirit ring."

Luo Chuan shook his head and absorbed the ninth spirit ring into the blood pupil martial spirit. The spirit ability he had planned was the spiritual piercing he planned, the only pure spirit attack spirit ability of the nine spirit abilities.

Diamond Mammoth's ninth spirit ring directly becomes a power spirit ability, further enhancing its power attribute.

Luo Chuan chose the ninth spirit ring of the Golden Sacred Dragon for a long time, and determined it to be the main body attack spirit ability, and it was the dragon claw attack, which was the only body attack spirit ability of the nine great soul skills.

The other ones were basically long-range attacks, and there had been no soul abilities for melee enhancement, so Luo Chuan simply added one.

Luo Chuan was quite interested in this spirit ability, so he chose to embody the golden sacred dragon.


Among the dragons, a golden dragon that was much larger than before appeared.

It is a circle bigger, its height alone reaches 30 feet, and its wings spread more than 100 meters, which is even more powerful and domineering.

There is no need to test other spirit abilities, it must be because the level has increased a bit stronger, and the effect will not change.

He only tested the ninth spirit ability.

As the seventh, eighth, and ninth spirit rings light up, the essence of the holy dragon and the Thunder Realm are released, and the ninth spirit ability is also increased.

The thunder throbbed, and the dragon's claws were bright and golden, and one claw was caught against the void.


The void actually cracked, five cracks were caught, and the devastating storm spread, shattering a mountain in the distance.

"The power is good. Although it is not as powerful as the four-ring seven-kill sword, it is close to the power of the three-ring seven-kill sword, and one claw is enough to break the void."

Luochuan nodded slightly, "It's called Broken Sky Dragon Claw,"

With a satisfied look, he ended the absorption of this last spirit ring.

For the Eight Winged Angel Martial Soul, there is no rush to absorb the spirit ring for the time being.

To be honest, Angel Wuhun is too diligent, and nothing stands out.

In terms of attack power, it is not as good as the Seven Kill Sword, in terms of strength, being beaten by the Clear Sky Hammer, and in terms of treatment, it is certainly not as good as Jiuxin Begonia.

This kind of martial soul with too strong balance, honestly speaking, is not top-notch combat power, the biggest advantage is that it is fast in cultivation and has level advantages.

But to encounter martial spirits like Clear Sky Hammer, there is no advantage.

And he didn't want to reveal his eight-winged angel, not only the eight-winged angel, if possible, he would not reveal the Seven Kill Sword, the Diamond Mammoth, and the Evil Eyed White Tiger.

After all, these two spirits still have too many characteristics.

In the future, the golden sacred dragon will be responsible for the integrated battle, and the blood pupil will be responsible for mental attacks and control.

It really couldn't be dealt with, and the mammoth was in charge of the defense, and the seven kills sword was in charge of the attack.

"No, my strength is not low now, there is no need for wretched development, right?" Worry-free Chinese website

Luo Chuan suddenly reacted.

Now that the Seven Kill Sword is aside, his combat power is close to level 99, so why bother about gains and losses?

It seems that I am used to being cautious, and I can't change it for a while.

Luo Chuan took back Wuhun, changed a set of clothes, turned around and returned.

On the way, he checked his overall situation.


Spirit: 99999.9+

Physique: 99999.9+

Repair: Level 93

Energy: 36.985 billion

Wuhun: Eight Wing Angel, Nine Heart Begonia, Blood Eye, Golden Sacred Dragon, Diamond Mammoth, Evil Eye White Tiger, Seven Kill Sword, Eighth Wuhun+, Ninth Wuhun+

Spirit Ring: First Martial Spirit: One Hundred Thousand Years Spirit Ring*4 (with spirit skills: Storm Strike, Void Body, Angel Holy Light, Angel Wing)

Second Martial Spirit: One Hundred Thousand Years Spirit Ring*9 (with Spirit Ability: Healing*8)

Third Martial Spirit: One Hundred Thousand Years Spirit Ring*9 (with spirit skills: bloodthirsty rage, perspective, exploration, corpse mountain and blood, hypnosis, god control, imperial possession, mental barrier, mental piercing)

Fourth Martial Spirit: One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Ring*9 (with soul skills: Dragon Yin Shaking the Sky, Divine Might Breaking Evil, Flame Dragon Breath, Golden Divine Shield, Earth Breaking Thunder, World Extinguishing Wind, Sacred Dragon Nature, Thunder Realm, Broken Empty Dragon Claw)

Fifth Wuhun: Diamond Mammoth...

Sixth Wuhun: Seven Killing Sword: One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Ring*9 (with Soul Skill: Fengrui*9)

Soul bone: purple electric dragon horn skull (with soul ability: double thunderstorm), angel's torso bone (with soul ability: double camouflage), white tiger's right arm bone (with soul ability: Gengjin sword), earth left arm bone ( With spirit ability: Tenfold gravity control), flame right leg bone (with spirit ability: flame magic)


"It's only over 30 billion. It's really fast."

Luo Chuan smiled helplessly and disappeared in a flash.

Not far away, Bibi Dong brought people closer quickly.

Suddenly, her face changed, and she stopped abruptly, looking into the distance uncertainly.

There, a blue sword light shattered the sky.

"What a terrible breath, who is this?"

She exclaimed.

It was the first time that other Title Douluo saw the pope, who had always been calm, reacted so strongly, and he took a look and found that the sky seemed to be split.

"This is... a spatial crack?" The Pierrot Dolphin Douluo couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

"No, such a big space crack, Peerless Douluo might not be able to get it out, right?"

Snake Lance Douluo couldn't calm down either. You could see such a big crack from such a distance. The actual size was definitely more than a thousand feet.

Thousands of feet, it is a high mountain, which cannot be done by humans.

"God! This is the power of a god, is it possible that a god will come to our Douluo Continent?"

Bibi Dong looked uneasy, she inherited the god of Shura, and that Xueluochuan inherited the god of suspected hidden weapons, is it possible that there are still gods looking for heirs?

There was curiosity in her heart, she thought about that moment, and said: "Let's take a look!"

"But, the war over there..."

The porcupine Douluo was a little scared and didn't want to go there.

"It's not too far, it won't take much time."

Bibi Dong glanced at the direction, and went one step ahead.

Soon, they saw broken mountains, cracks on the ground, and a pit as deep as thousands of feet. The diameter of the pit was very small, like a sword stuck in it.

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