Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 264 Acting

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"This is the sword mark? Isn't it too big? It's not something human can do. Is it possible that a god descends into the world?"

The porcupine Douluo trembled a bit, and even if he was a titled Douluo before this huge sword mark, he felt like an ant.

Especially the remaining sharp aura made him feel that he might be shredded at any time.

"It's not like human, but this claw mark."

Bibi Dong looked at the broken mountain in the distance, revealing a puzzled look: "This breath is different from the sword mark. It should be another existence, but there is no trace of battle here. What is going on."

"My Lord Pope, this place is close to the battlefield. Will this god have something to do with Heaven Dou?"

Snake Spear said astonishingly.

Bibi Dong was silent, and she couldn't affirm or deny such things.

"The shooter is no longer there, there is nothing to see, let's continue on our way."

She didn't say much, for fear of causing panic.

After writing down what he saw today in his heart, Bibi Dong led people away quickly.


Luochuan was fast, but returned within a quarter of an hour.

Before he got close, he noticed that the atmosphere was not right. The Tiandou army all lighted up their weapons and surrounded a center.

"Something has happened, it seems that the people of Clear Sky School are here!"

Luo Chuan thoughtfully, immediately contacted Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo, but they did not stop the Clear Sky School.

The direction was wrong, Clear Sky Sect came from another place and immediately rushed into the army.

The mental power spread, and the situation in the army was detected by Luochuan.

Five figures with powerful auras were facing Sword Douluo and Poison Douluo.

Beside them, there are dozens of senior spirit masters wearing uniform costumes.

"It's all here!"

Luo Chuan narrowed his eyes, which was somewhat unexpected.

He wasn't too surprised when he thought that the Clear Sky School might be afraid of the Spirit Hall's ambush, so that all members were dispatched.

After thinking for a while, he directly summoned Wuhun.

He stood on the golden sacred dragon, with a blood pupil martial spirit floating beside him. Considering that he couldn't immediately add another spirit ring, he used his camouflage skills to hide a spirit ring.

After doing this, he summoned Arou as well.

In this way, the five powerhouses are just right for those who cannot be strong against Clear Sky School.

He flew hundreds of meters, and after getting closer, he directly let the two great martial arts breathe out.

The two sides in the confrontation noticed and immediately looked up.

Poison Douluo and Jian Douluo breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the five titled Douluo of the Clear Sky School, his expression changed.

The existence of a one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring is too shocking, and the aura it exudes is quite deterrent.

With fear in their hearts, they stepped back a little to the other side.

"Several of them are holding hammers, thinking they are the people of Clear Sky School, what does this mean, want to go to war?"

Luo Chuan spoke indifferently, now he is no longer afraid of the Haotian School, there is no need to flinch.

"who are you?"

Hong Liangruo Zhong's voice came from the leading population, shaking the air, blocking the domineering aura of the golden holy dragon.

This man is tall, with a sturdy back, sharp face, and short gray hair. He belongs to the five strongest Title Douluo present.

He is now the master of the Haotian Sect, Tang Xiao!

Facing the unhurried Luochuan, Tang Xiao's eyes were bright and curious, and he didn't understand why a Soul Sect was qualified to stand on a Title Douluo.

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When Luo Chuan revealed his identity, the Tiandou army that was immediately aroused became excited, and many people saw that the prince, his Royal Highness, would suppress these mysterious people.

"You are the Prince of Heaven Dou?"

The second elder of the Haotian School stared openly: "It's the seventh you killed!"

"Sure enough, the suspicion hit me."

Luo Chuan muttered, then shook his head: "We didn't kill it."

"It's not you... who is it?"

Tang Xiao sneered: "The Seventh Elder died not far from here. There are many wounds on his body, many of which are left by this dragon, right?"

Before they came, they had obtained the corpse of the Seventh Elder, and they could tell from the wound that it matched the dragon in front of them.

"Wuhun Hall."

Luo Chuan played the taste: "It was killed by the people in the Spirit Hall. Do you have the confidence to trouble them?"

Say this.

The expressions of Haotianzong's faces changed, and many people looked at each other, with hesitation in their eyes.

"Impossible, Emperor Xingluo sent a letter that it was your dragon who fought against the Seven Elders and killed him. Due to some distance, he could not be saved in time. Moreover, the injuries of the Seven Elders are definitely related to this dragon. How do you quibble? ?"

The second elder of the Haotian School pointed to the golden sacred dragon, showing a look of hatred.

"Do you believe the dead?"

Luo Chuan curled his lips: "Although my guardian is missing a spirit ring, the age of the spirit ring is indeed enough to make up for the level difference, and there is indeed a chance to kill your seventh elders. Unfortunately, the battlefield is on Xingluo's side. , Do you think that the dead man is willing to kill his teammate?"

Tang Xiao was silent, he did find something strange in this matter.

For an instant, he said in a deep voice: "But it still has nothing to do with you."

"It does matter, but at most you blame me for hurting him and giving others a chance to attack him."

Luo Chuan shrugged, "If you really want to trouble us, you can do it. Today, the millions of troops and the soul masters present can play with you."


Everyone in the Haotian School was furious, but seeing the dense crowds around them, they didn't dare to do anything at will.

Whether it's the millions of troops here or Sword Douluo, they are all very big threats.

Tang Xiao gritted his teeth: "Who do you think was killed in the Spirit Hall?"

"I killed it."

At this moment, an overcast voice sounded and Ghost Douluo appeared from a distance.

This made Jian Douluo, Ning Fengzhi, etc. all look over, Tian Dou was puzzled, and the people of the Clear Sky School glared.

The murderer dared to stand up on his own. Isn't this a naked provocation?

Tang Xiao's hair stood upside down, his breath was like a mountain, and he stared at Ghost Douluo coldly: "It's you!"

Ghost Douluo, as one of the Douluo who often acts outside the Spirit Hall, is also the elder on the face of the Spirit Hall. There are special signs on the token of the Spirit Hall. How can he not know him?

"Sect Master Tang actually went out of the mountain in person, and there were still so many people. It seems that this time the plan to draw the snake out of the cave is done well."

Ghost Douluo said.

"What do you mean?"

The second elder heard something and was slightly disturbed.

"Of course it will kill you here."

Another voice sounded, and then a white shadow appeared beside it, it was Chrysanthemum Douluo.

He said to Luo Chuan: "His Royal Highness Tiandou, you are the consort of our Wuhun Palace, why not help us to take down these chaotic officials and thieves?"

"You are in collusion with Wuhun Hall!"

Tang Xiao frowned, and if Tian Dou was in collusion with Wuhun Hall, how could the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect agree?

He looked at Ning Fengzhi: "The three sects of ours have always been in the same spirit, fighting together against the Wuhun Hall. Are you surrendering to the Wuhun?"

Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo also had ugly faces, surrendering to the Wuhun Hall, how could it be possible?

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