You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!If they wanted to surrender the Spirit Hall, they would have done it a long time ago and would not come to support the Heaven Dou Empire.

They will be here because they want to unite with the Heaven Dou Imperial Family to fight against the Spirit Hall to a certain extent. At the same time, there is a buffer to avoid direct confrontation with the Spirit Hall.

In fact, they have never been too opposed to the Spirit Hall. Their elder Jian Douluo had some grudges against Qian Daoliu in the Spirit Hall.

Facing Tang Hao's questioning, Ning Fengzhi hummed: "The Wuhun Palace family is so powerful that we just want to destroy our upper three sects. When is it given a chance to surrender?"

"Then you are being used?"

Tang Hao took it for granted.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Luo Chuan, somewhat disbelieving: "His Royal Highness, are you really going to unite with Wuhun Hall to deal with Clear Sky School?"

"Am I that stupid?"

Luo Chuan calmly said: "The Haotian Sect is the strongest among the three major sects. Without some of their power to contain the Spirit Hall, we are destroying the main force of the Star Luo Empire today. Wouldn't it be their wedding dress?"

Both Jian Douluo and Ning Fengzhi's expressions eased, and it seemed that it was really a misunderstanding.

"You mean you were used by them?" Tang Hao looked strange, he always felt something was wrong.

"Planning and framing this kind of thing, if you encounter it, will you let it go?"

Luo Chuan asked rhetorically.

Ghost Douluo interrupted and said, "His Royal Highness, the opportunity must not be missed, and the failure will never come again. If you don't seize the opportunity, the Pope will be very disappointed."

"That's right, you should be on our side if you marry someone from my Wuhun Temple!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo agreed: "If you don't take the opportunity to kill them today, let them run back and continue to hide like a tortoise. It will be difficult to kill them again."

When the two sang and played, Luo Chuan was actually leading the show. From the time they came out, he was actually acting alone.

This play was mainly played for Clear Sky School.

Because, he just noticed that there was another person in the Wuhun Hall.

Rather than fighting the Haotianzong hard, it is better to use the human way to treat the human body, so that the people in the Spirit Hall can also taste the taste of being calculated.

"Who do you mean tortoise?"

Tang Xiao's face was cold: "Can I win against Lao Tzu and blow your chrysanthemum?"

Ju Douluo's casual ridicule immediately angered the people of Clear Sky School.

It was a shame to be forced to close the mountain gate by the Wuhun Temple back then. How could they stand it if they were so mocked?

"I am indeed not your opponent, but some people are dealing with you and want to blow me up. You have no chance."

Ju Douluo didn't care about Tang Xiao's threat, and said to Luo Chuan again: "Why, you don't seem to be willing? Is it possible that you want to cooperate with Clear Sky School to deal with our Spirit Hall?"

Sword Douluo's eyes lit up, and if Luo Chuan was really willing to assist Clear Sky School, he could also follow suit.

Compared to a Star Luo Empire that was nothing, Wuhun Palace was the biggest threat to them on this road.

The royal family of the Star Luo Empire was only supported to rule the common people. It was Shang Sanzong and Wuhun Hall that really determined the situation on the mainland.

"Sorry, I won't help anyone."

Luo Chuan said something that made Sword Douluo a little disappointed, but that made Xue Ye feel at ease.

He continued: "Sect Master Tang, you have also seen that I am a victim today, but my wife is from the Wuhun Palace after all. It is not good to deal with them. If you want revenge, you can find them. My Heaven Dou Imperial Family will never interfere. ."

Specifically emphasizing the Tiandou imperial family, Luochuan also did not want to kidnap the Qibao Liuli Sect.

If Jian Douluo and the others were willing to take action, he would also be happy to watch the show.

Tang Hao and the others looked at each other, knowing that Luo Chuan did not want to provoke his upper body, but it was a wise move.8090 Novel Network

Ju Douluo pretended to have a bad face and said, "His Royal Highness, you have missed a good opportunity."

Ghost Douluo said: "Hmph, it's okay without their help, these turtles of the Clear Sky School can't get through any waves."

"Damn, do you have the ability to say it again?"

Tang Xiao originally thought about whether to take action against these two people, but when he heard the turtle son, he was furious, the Clear Sky Hammer suddenly brightened, and a hammer hit him.

Ghost Douluo hurriedly avoided.


The ground was smashed into a big pit, rubble flew around, and dust skyrocketed.

"A bunch of reckless men, don't waste your energy with you!"

Ju Douluo ridiculed, but he was still quite jealous, and turned to retreat with Ghost Douluo.

"Give Way."

Luo Chuan spoke.

The army quickly gave up a way, and the direction happened to be where Bibi Dong and others came.

"Sect Master, do you want to chase?"

Some people hesitate to see how confident Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo look, and most of them still have masters in the Spirit Hall.

Tang Xiao's anger dissipated a little, and he considered for a moment: "Huh, what if Qian Daoliu came, now is different from the past, with our ability, there is no need to be afraid of them, chase after! I want to see the Wuhun Palace A few people!"

He asked Luo Chuan and others for assistance from the other party, and saw that the Spirit Hall was not sure to take them down, so he guessed that the staff in the Spirit Hall would not be stronger than them.

If it is really strong enough, there is no need to say those words just now.

"But be careful to avoid fraud."

The second elder reminded.

With vigilance, the people of the Clear Sky School chased them, and they all came out today to show the strength of the Clear Sky School again.

They want the world to understand that the Clear Sky Sect has been closed for many years, and its strength has greatly increased. It is even stronger than it was before. Not everyone can bully the Clear Sky Sect, and no one can kill the Clear Sky Sect!

Luo Chuan had a meaningful look in his eyes, and said to Aju: "I guess you won't be able to fight today. Go back and rest first."

Bibi Dong knows A Rou, so there is no need for the two to meet.

The latter disappeared. At the same time, the golden sacred dragon and the blood pupil disappeared. Luo Chuan waved his wings and landed on the ground, and said to Ning Feng and others: "Thank you for helping to frighten the Haotian Sect. Otherwise, I have not come back. It started fighting."

"His Royal Highness is polite. We support Tian Dou. Naturally, we can't let the Clear Sky Sect go wild, but I didn't expect that Clear Sky Sect has retired over the years, and there will be so many more titled Douluos."

Ning Fengzhi sighed: "If you add the dead Seven Elders and the Vast Sky Douluo whose life and death are unknown, this Vast Sky Sect is now a Seven Douluo, and its strength greatly exceeds our Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect and the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect. I'm afraid it's not too far from the Wuhun Hall."

"That's why they are allowed to fight. We will be responsible for the theater today."

Luo Chuan teased and dared to calculate him. Today he wants to let Bibi Dong know the consequences.

"What's the show?"

There was a cold voice from the sky, and there was also a burst of golden light.

Luo Chuan's eyes moved slightly and looked up in surprise.

In the legion, a woman flew up.

This woman has golden pupils, her face is not flawless, she is not beautiful, and her armor-clad clothes are propped up by a pair of exaggerated chests, highlighting the slender waist below the ground.

A pair of long legs is straight and slender, and there are three pairs of white wings on the back. It is a Seraphim.

People who knew this Wuhun quickly changed from being astonished by his appearance to being jealous of Wuhun.

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