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The threat of Clear Sky School was completely clear.

"Although you are not a qualified husband and father, you are just an excellent fighter. It is not in vain to provoke the majesty of the Spirit Hall with one person."

Luo Chuan evaluated and retracted the idea of ​​spying.

He checked and found that the energy collected this time was not much, even the spirit and spirit ring were broken.

The total harvest was not as good as the previous Tang Xiao, only 10 billion.

However, the five elders of the Clear Sky School, a Sect Master, and this Clear Sky Douluo, a total of seven titled Douluo, are still the group that has brought him the most energy recently. On average, one is 40 billion, and seven is nearly 3,000. Billion.

There are still tens of billions to destroy the Clear Sky School, and more than 100 billion from the four elders of the Spirit Hall.

Today, his total energy has exceeded 500 billion, which is enough to transform all his spirit and physique into a god level.

However, he didn't rush to improve. Last time he raised his attributes several times, he still hasn't fully grasped it at this moment.

Moreover, there are not many people in Douluo Continent that can threaten him, so he can wait to control this part of his attributes and then improve, there is no need to worry.

Luo Chuan was satisfied with the resolution of this matter.

He glanced at other areas.

I wanted to see Qian Renxue, but considering that Tang Hao only hit the door, if he appeared here, it would be easy for people to guess that it was him.

No, Tang Hao came over inexplicably and desperately, how could he even think of him.

At least the Haotian Sect was destroyed, the Spirit Hall could still guess that it was him, and the reason for Tang Hao's desperate efforts can also be attributed to this matter.

"Forget it, I have to go to the Star Luo Empire to take care of the trouble. I'll wait for a while."

Luo Chuan remembered that he still had a mission, so he chose to come secretly and leave secretly, leaving no trace.

The Wuhun Hall was still silent at the moment.

Everyone was beaten by Tang Hao, including Qian Daoliu.

In the end, it was the Golden Crocodile Douluo who broke the silence and sighed with a pale face: "If this child cultivates for several decades, I am afraid we can't stop it."

"Yes, the combat effectiveness of the Clear Sky Hammer is really abnormal."

"Especially there is the desperate skill of blasting the ring, which kills the enemy by one thousand and destroys 800, which is really unstoppable."

The others shook their heads, they had to admit the power of Clear Sky Hammer.

"Why does this man come desperately?"

Qian Daoliu frowned: "He doesn't want to live at all."

"It may be the Clear Sky School that thought our Spirit Hall was destroyed, but this time we really didn't make a move."

"Damn, it's a mess."

"That kid Tian Dou is probably smiling."

Several worships became extremely depressed. Although they didn't know that Tang Hao came here because of Tang San and not Clear Sky School, they were all similar.

Anyway, it was caused by Luochuan.

"It's a pity that he didn't kill this beast personally, so he died of exhaustion."

Qian Daoliu spoke a little unwillingly, and then thought of other things: "This time the Wuhun Palace was smashed by this animal, I am afraid that many people will laugh at it. Then, whether it is Wuhun City or other places, it will Give the old man a rest, and don't cause trouble!"

Title Douluo was damaged by the last action, and his reputation was greatly damaged this time. He could only shrink the actions of the Spirit Hall first to avoid panic and even greater losses.

He glanced at the place where Bibi Dong lived and looked rather dissatisfied.

Is this silently rebelling against him to remove his pope?

Bibi Dong does have this meaning, but there is another reason.

At this moment, she is playing two roles, and she needs to cover up the disappearance of Qian Renxue, so she is not suitable for showing up too much.

After this battle, the Wuhun Palace lost its majesty, and its reputation on the Douluo Continent was severely weakened, and there was no movement for the time being.

Luo Chuan seized the opportunity and cut the mess with a sharp knife, clearing up some troublemakers, and gradually stabilized the territory of the Star Luo Empire.

After only two months, this area completely settled down, and then the Heaven Dou Empire officially announced that the Star Luo Empire would be removed, and there will only be one empire remaining on the mainland.

That is the Heaven Dou Empire!

After dealing with the matter here, Luochuan received news that Xue Ye asked him to stay for a while, and he had to stay for another two months.

There was one more marriage day before he was free. On the way back to Heaven Dou City, he came to Wuhun City in the middle.

After four months, all the places originally damaged by Tang Hao have been repaired at this moment, and it looks like nothing happened.

Luochuan disguised as an ordinary person, mixed into the city, and came down the mountain.

"It's really troublesome to manage the site, I can finally relax for a while."

He muttered, during this period of time in charge of the Xingluo Empire, all kinds of trivial matters are numerous, and for the first time he felt that being an emperor was uncomfortable.

"Isn't Qian Renxue good at these? If you marry in the future, you can leave it to her to deal with it. Tell her first."

Luo Chuan thought to himself, secretly spreading his thoughts, looking for Qian Renxue's location.

He didn't know the situation in the Martial Spirit Hall, so he could only explore the past one by one, and he was very careful. People at Qian Daoliu's level were likely to detect his mental thoughts.

Soon, he found Qian Renxue who was cultivating in a partial hall, smiled slightly, avoided some eyeliners with the ability to disguise, and blended into it smoothly.

Inside the hall, Bibi Dong, disguised as Qian Renxue, felt that someone was approaching. Before opening his eyes, he felt that his eyes were covered by two hands.

"Unexpectedly, I will come here?"

Luo Chuan laughed and said, he hadn't noticed that Qian Renxue had a problem, just as it was difficult for others to detect when he was disguised, Bibi Dong disguised with amoeba skills, and he did not immediately notice.

When Bibi Dong heard this, he couldn't help being furious. Who would dare to tease her?

Pulling away Luo Chuan's hand, after seeing who it was, her expression changed and she didn't know what to do.

Why did this guy sneak in here? Are the guards outside a waste?

"Yeah, is it so fast? I will cultivate to the Soul Emperor in a few days."

Luo Chuan squeezed Qian Renxue's face, hugged him, his hands became dishonest.

"Oh, it's bigger, it's really exciting." Luo Chuan smirked.

"Go away, this is the Martial Soul Palace."

Bibi Dong held back his anger and pushed Luo Chuan's hand away again.

"What are you afraid of? We fight hand-to-hand the most, and we don't fight. Others can't notice it."

Luochuan kissed Qian Renxue and felt the smell changed, but there was still a familiar smell.

The smell was left by Bibi Dong wearing Qian Renxue clothes, so Luo Chuan misunderstood: "Have you used perfume recently? How come the smell is so mature?"

Bibi Dong was hugged again. This time Luo Chuan was much stronger. She realized that if she wanted to break free, she would definitely be exposed, so she blushed and said, "I have something to do, don't disturb me."

"what's up?"

This time, Luo Chuan clearly noticed Qian Renxue's resistance and frowned slightly.

Qian Renxue used to be very active, but now she hasn't made affection for a few months. Shouldn't she be enthusiastic?

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