Endless Fusion of Douluo

285 What a coincidence

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"The marriage is about to be married soon, and it is naturally a matter of discussing the marriage."

Bibi Dongdao, this matter was actually prepared long ago, but it was just an excuse.

"There's still a month, so why don't you panic, let's get warm first."

Luo Chuan flexibly took off Qian Renxue's clothes as soon as he waved his hand.

The latter screamed and hurriedly said: "No!"

"What's the matter with you, didn't you take the initiative before?"

Luo Chuan was a little dissatisfied. At this time, he felt the smell was even stranger, and doubts arose in his heart.

Qian Renxue hugged her chest and said in a panic: "If it doesn't work, it won't work."

Luo Chuan frowned and looked at the woman in front of him. He approached from behind just now and didn't see the other person's eyes. Now he noticed something wrong.

Qian Renxue's eyes were not like this.

Although it looks similar, he can still notice some differences after getting along for so long.

He sniffed the clothes, the familiar smell, and continued to smell the other person's hair, it really was another smell.

When he got here, Luo Chuan's expression became cold, and he grabbed Qian Renxue by the neck: "Who are you, you are not her!"

"I am Qian Renxue."

The latter is still pretending, she feels that her skills are perfect.

"Yes? Then verify your body."

Luo Chuan was not polite and threw it directly to the ground, with one foot on his chest, drew out his sword and stabbed it unceremoniously.

"You want to kill me? I'm dead, and she can't live!"

Bibi Dong couldn't imagine, where did she go wrong?

Even she herself couldn't tell the flaws.

"Damn, what did you do to her?"

An angry color appeared in Luo Chuan's eyes, and he returned the sword to its sheath with a sound.

"Don't worry, she shouldn't be dead now." Bibi Dong teased: "It seems that you really care about her, it is just what I want."

Luo Chuan squeezed the opponent's neck tightly, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. The key is your woman. Are you interested in saving her in a dangerous place at this moment?"

Bibi Dong was pinched and his neck flushed, but he was still in no hurry.

A bloody light flashed in Luo Chuan's eyes, and his perspective ability was spurred, but he found that the person in front of him was still Qian Renxue.

He subconsciously looked into the depths, peeling off a layer of flesh and blood, still unable to see it.

What is this ability?

Luo Chuan was surprised, and a chill appeared in his eyes: "Tell me where she is, or I will kill you immediately!"

"Your cultivation base is not as high as mine, how can you kill me?"

A purple pattern suddenly appeared on Qian Renxue's white skin, and the powerful spirit power wave was released, shaking Luo Chuan's hand open, and at the same time opening his mouth to exhale a beam of light, which instantly turned into a big net.

Seeing this familiar skill, Luo Chuan exclaimed as he drew sideways, "You are Bibi Dong!"

The latter's flesh and blood began to squirm strangely, and in a blink of an eye he became another mature and noble woman, it was Bibi Dong.

At this moment, her martial soul was released, where there was nothing noble and glamorous, more cold and evil.

"How did you find that something was wrong with me?" Bibi Dong said curiously, falling in the distance.

"Your chest is not as big as Qian Renxue."

Luochuan play taste.

"Don't tell me, you don't want to know where Qian Renxue is."

Bibi Dong's face turned dark.

"Hmph, everyone tastes different, you don't have the maiden breath of her, you can naturally detect it."

Luo Chuan snorted coldly, this method was also taught to him by Qian Renxue. At first, he pretended to be another person and fought with Ghost Douluo.

"Is it smell? I missed that point."

Bibi Dong was stunned for a while, all to blame for being too close.

The guards outside are really useless!

She couldn't help but cursed in her heart, why did she let this bastard come in as if she had entered her own house?

"Let's talk about it, why are you doing this for? Is it possible that you want to marry me and have children for me?"

Luo Chuan sneered.

"Disgusting, you men are disgusting."

Bibi Dong looked disgusted: "I wanted to delay it for a while, but now it seems that only the second step can be planned."

"Where did you get Qian Renxue?" Luochuan only cares about this, Qian Renxue is his woman.

Even if he has not married, but has slept, he is responsible for ensuring the safety of his woman's life.

"Don't worry, she should be alive. It depends on whether you want to save her."

Bibi Dong showed a teasing look: "Didn't you say you like her, dare you come with me?"

"Well, in this world, there is no place I dare not go."

Luo Chuan generously agreed.

If he didn't have hundreds of billions of energy in his body, he might still be a little worried, but now he is really not afraid.

If he wants to, he can instantly raise his spirit and physique to a god level.

At that time, unless it is God, no one can threaten him.

Bibi Dong must have not become a god, otherwise he would not do such a thing.

Time off!

He roughly guessed the purpose of the other party, that is, to delay as much time as possible for himself until he becomes a god, and then he can reverse everything.

It's a pity, I improve faster than the other.

"I'm a little bit courageous, let me tell you in advance. If anyone other than you knows about this, you will never see her again. Let's go now. You can enter here, and come in and out as you want.

Bibi Dong's expression returned to calm, and did not change back to Qian Renxue, so he put on another set of clothes and left with this appearance.

Luochuan became Ghost Douluo and followed him.

"So you also have disguise skills."

Bibi Dong suddenly understood how Luochuan got in.

Two people, one true and one false, swaggered out of the gate. The guard was not surprised, but came to salute instead.

They knew that these two were Title Douluo, if they wanted to get in and out of here, they wouldn't have to be discovered by them, so it's no surprise that the two suddenly appeared inside.

Walking out of Wuhun City, Luochuan looked at Bibi Dong.

"follow me."

Bibi Dong speeded up and rushed to unknown places.

Luo Chuan just frowned slightly, he was going to see where Bibi Dong would take him.

The two were speechless all the way, and after walking for several days, Bibi Dong stopped in front of a small town.

I passed many small towns in the middle, but Luochuan's strong sense of power immediately noticed the speciality of this small town.

It was dead, dull, and cold, like a dead town, but he could still detect many people in his thoughts.

However, these people have strong suffocation, not normal people.

"Let's go, buy you a drink, and then you should go in."

Bibi Dong went straight to a tavern, before entering the door, he said coldly: "Here are two bloody Marys."

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the guests inside changed, while Luo Chuan showed a strange look.

Bloody Mary, a weird town.

He knows where this is, isn't it the entrance to the Slaughter City?

It's a coincidence. I didn't expect Bibi Dong to throw Qian Renxue into the killing capital and still want to trap him in.

And here, it is precisely what he is going to come.

"May disappoint you."

Luo Chuan muttered, and if nothing happened, follow in.

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