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Originally wanted to seduce him out and fight, but now the other party can't make it clear, they want to keep him.

If you can't bear to let your children catch wolves, you can only spend a lot of money!

Copy the realm of killing god!

Luo Chuan endured distress and spent 200 billion in one breath, instantly reducing his energy to tens of billions.

A special light group appeared in the system warehouse, Luochuan chose to merge.

In the next moment, a bloody light also appeared on his body, and the restrictions on him by the complete rules were gradually lifted.


The King of Slaughter noticed Luochuan’s realm, and he dared not say anything: "You are not the God of Killer going out here. How could there be a realm of God of Killer?"

You know, in the entire city of killing, only he and the other two killing gods have the killing god domain.

In addition, he definitely has no third person, unless it is an ancient person before he came.

But this young man, could he be an ancient?

Luo Chuan was not interested in answering the questions of the Slaughter King.

He is enjoying the benefits of the killing field.

Under his thoughts, the field expanded rapidly.

The first benefit is his eight-winged angel.

Four red spirit rings continued to emerge.

Next was the Seven Killing Sword in his hand, nine stars-like spirit rings, condensed on the sword.


The Seven Killing Sword uttered a cheerful and clear sound, and the sword aura soaring to the sky was released, directly shredding the power of the Killing King, and shook the Clear Sky Hammer that was pressing it.

This made the Slaughter King's pupils shrink, his eyes were ugly, and he said, "Damn, the Killing God Realm can let him release his spirit skills here!"

His confidence in killing just now was based on the fact that he could not be affected by the rules of this place and the opponent could not use spirit abilities.

Now that the other party can also use spirit abilities, his advantage is gone!

On the opponent's blue and gold sword, he sensed the terrifying power that was about to move.

"King of Slaughter, it's over!"

Luo Chuan clenched the Seven Kill Sword in his hand.

This time he did not urge the Seven Kill Sword with his thoughts.

The King of Slaughter is too powerful, he must combine the power of the divine body and the sharpness of the Seven Killing Sword to be sure to win the opponent.

As the first spirit ring lighted up, the power of the Seven Kill Sword suddenly doubled, and the sword aura seemed to make the sword body bigger.

Luo Chuan cut it down with a single sword, and the spirit power of the Slaughter King was easily cut open and directly slashed on the Clear Sky Hammer.

The Slaughter King retreated quickly, his face was cold, and a spirit ring inlaid on the Clear Sky Hammer also lit up, still unable to stop it.

As the second spirit ring lighted up, he barely blocked it.

"It was really amazing to press me without a spirit ring before."

Luo Chuan glanced, this guy's strength is really unfathomable.

He remembered that Tang San used divine weapons to fight against him, and he didn't use spirit abilities at all. He could have an advantage, and then he had to fight.

Luo Chuan did not hesitate, the second one hundred thousand year spirit ring continued to stack with the sharpness of the Seven Kill Sword, which doubled the strength of the sword aura again.


Realizing that Luo Chuan's spirit abilities were exactly the same, and they could be superimposed, the King of Slaughter was frightened and had to urge two spirit rings to respond.

Otherwise, just add a spirit ring, and the power provided is not as good as the opponent.

"Hehe, I think your spirit ring is strong, or my spirit ring is strong."

Luo Chuan didn't care, the power of the third spirit ring was released, and the sword aura cut through the darkness and directly became eight times the original.

There was a faint trace left in the void, and the Seven Killing Sword fell on the Clear Sky Hammer. This time even if the six spirit rings on the Clear Sky Hammer were lit up, they were still smashed to the ground by a sword.


The earth cracked with a ten-zhang god, a hundred-zhang-long sword mark, and the wing of the Slaughter King was wiped by the sword aura and disappeared.

"Why...your spirit skills are exactly the same!"

The King of Slaughter bleeds from the eyebrows, and strands of hair fly down, full of unwillingness.

Although most of his spirit rings are increasing power, they are not exactly the same, so even if he has a hammer bonus, the increase is still not as good as the opponent.

"Where there are so many questions, you will soon be dead, there is no need to answer you."

Luo Chuan looked cold, holding the Seven Kill Sword in both hands, and said in a deep voice: "Now take my fourth sword."


The sword energy rushed into the bullfight, and the blue light instantly cut through the void, faintly dividing the purple moon in the sky in half.

Luo Chuan's clothes swelled and his hair fluttered. The terrifying power of the Seven Killing Sword required his hands to hold.

However, compared to the last time he urged the fourth ring to hurt himself, this time he had God-level mental power and body, so there was not much pressure.

But for the Slaughter King, this was a terrible blow, and his soul was trembling before he shot it.

In the life and death crisis, he roared and picked up all the nine spirit rings. All the power was madly injected into the Clear Sky Hammer, and after waving it, it turned into a blood-colored sun.

This blood-colored sun is comparable to the purple moon in the sky, and the surrounding void is distorted and shattered, which can be called a blow from the King of Slaughter.

"No matter how big your Clear Sky Hammer is, I will cut it with one sword."

Seeing the hammer that made himself seem so small, Luo Chuan stood in the void, holding a sword in both hands and cutting it down.

In an instant, the entire space faded.

The blue sword light flicked across the red sun, paused for an instant, and the entire sun was divided in half.

The Killing King holding the Clear Sky Hammer trembled and flew backwards in an instant. The huge Clear Sky Hammer condensed by his soul skills suddenly appeared a ray of blue, then cracked with a click, and then shattered.


The King of Slaughter was hit by the sword energy that followed, and the body protection domain was shattered. He hurriedly wrapped his wings around himself.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Under the terrible sword aura, his wings couldn't stop it, and it was quickly turned into dust. Then there were sword marks on his flesh and blood, and his eyes became bloody.

At the critical moment, the sword pattern on his eyebrows lit up, revealing a circle of bloody light.

This light is not strong, but it contains strong power, blocking the sword aura, so that the King of Slaughter is not crushed by the sword aura.

He landed on the ground with a bang in his ear, and the entire killing capital was torn apart by the afterwave of sword energy.

In the void, the broken space cracks healed quickly, Luo Chuan's face turned pale, and the purple and golden light in his eyes passed through the flying dust, slightly condensed.

"Not dead!"

His attack, followed by his divine mind, should be comparable to the lowest-level divine attack, but he did not kill the opponent.

Seeing the bloody light on the Slaughter King, he was thoughtful.

This light is different from the evil aura on the Slaughter King before, it only contains pure slaughter power.

If he guessed right, this is the power of the god Shura, who was forced out at the critical moment.

"Is Shura God inheritance? No matter how powerful it is, it can't be revealed too much in this world, right?"

Luo Chuan thought to himself that the fallen Seven Kill Sword was raised again, and the fifth spirit ring lit up.

"This sword is enough to reach the god level completely, and you will not lose if you die on it."

Luo Chuan muttered, and then the sword light enveloped him, the void was instantly shattered, and the purple moon in the sky was completely divided into two halves.

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