Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 291 Flying Ash Annihilation

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The terrifying sword aura cut open the space of the Slaughter City.

This is a god-level power, still reaching the limit that this world space can bear.

On the ground, in the deep cracks, the body of the Slaughter King trembled.

His blood stained the ground, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand had cracked.

However, the original evil power was shattered under the collision just now.

He just wanted to take off a layer of shell, revealing his original face.

The blood-colored hair was half restored, and the evil and tyrannical aura became dense.

He stared blankly at the blue sword light in the sky, which seemed to cut through the entire world, and was about to engulf him in the next moment.

"I didn't expect this to be the result of waking up. I don't know who you are, but it's really good to die in your hands."

The King of Slaughter murmured, and the bloody light gushed from the center of his eyebrows, making his aura from decline to prosperity.

The power of Shura poured into the broken Clear Sky Hammer, which instantly melted and turned into a bloody sword with lines engraved on it.

This sword is two meters long, and the aura it contains is even more terrifying than the seven kills sword at the moment.

At the same time, a blood-colored phantom appeared behind him, and the infinite murderous intent broke through the sky full of sword aura and turned into a blood-colored giant in the killing city.

"Fuck it, forcing the Shura power out of him."

Luo Chuan was shocked to see, but at this moment the sword in his hand had been cut out, he could only continue to fight.


The King of Slaughter screamed, and the giant sword in his hand carried the blood in the sky. Under the blessing of the power of the Slaughter City, it turned into a hundred-meter giant sword and collided with Luochuan's Seven Killing Sword.

The blue and bloody light flooded the sky, and after removing these two colors, everything around was shattered, including the void.

Qian Renxue, who had already retreated to the distance, saw this scene and found that she couldn't breathe. Where is the power of the world, is this God colliding?

The golden dragon hurriedly pressed Qian Renxue under his body, the spirit ring lit up, and a circle of golden shields emerged, still shattered by the aftermath of the collision, and blood stains were torn out of his body.

But the others who were not protected by Title Douluo became bloody mud directly under the collision, and even evaporated.

It was Contra, who was still seriously injured while evading, and his heart was extremely shocked.

Spirit world.

A man in black suddenly opened, and said unexpectedly: "I have only passed the eighth exam now, but why are you dying? Go and see."

He is the god of Shura and the existence of the city of killing.

Recently, he doesn't want to be a god, and wants to be reincarnated, but unfortunately he has not been able to pass on the position of God, which is quite a headache.

Now there was finally one who passed the eighth exam, but his breath seemed very weak, which made him want to see what was going on.

The next moment, he disappeared into the gods.


The killing capital, under the two fierce powers, just a few breaths, half of the killing capital turned into rubble.

In the center of the collision, neither the blood color nor the blue light had any other choice, and finally a huge crater over a kilometer appeared, and countless sand and dust merged into the storm, raging wildly.

In the midst of the storm, Luo Chuan fell to the ground, his face pale and glanced at the Seven Kill Sword.

There is another crack, which is really killing the enemy and hurting himself by 800.

Today's seven kill swords are simply not enough to stack infinitely.

Suddenly, he looked up.

"Damn, it's not dead yet, is there any mistake."

Luo Chuan cursed secretly in his heart, he was almost reaching the limit, if it hadn't been for the Seven Killing Sword to be concrete and use energy, his spirit power would have been exhausted.


Amid the coughing sound, a figure slowly stood up from the ruins, and a middle-aged man was revealed in the bloody light.

His mouth and face were full of blood, and his body was cracked, but the weird blood-colored lines on the eyebrows released wisps of light, making his body still broken and not immediately collapsed.

Obviously, although he had just exploded with God-level power, his body was not a body. On the contrary, his body had been eroded by the blood-red nine-headed Bat King over the years, and it was no longer good.

Seeing the young man on the opposite side, he said bitterly: "You can fight me without a magical tool. Are all the descendants so powerful now? Are you an ancient person or a current person?"

"I don't want to answer you. Since you take the sixth sword, then go ahead. If you can take my seventh sword, I will give up."

Luo Chuan stood up and said coldly.

After the seventh sword, his Seven Killing Swords would be unbearably broken, and he would certainly not be able to issue the eighth sword again. If the opponent could really take it, he would have no choice.

The King of Slaughter was taken aback for a moment: "You still have one blow."

"If it's not for insufficient cultivation, more can be done."

Luo Chuan said lightly: "You are quite strong, you are the strongest soul master I have ever met."

"Thank you."

The King of Slaughter smiled miserably: "Thank you for agreeing with me, and thank you for letting me wake up before I die."

Luochuan's power caused a severe damage to the blood-red nine-headed bat king, allowing him to take advantage of the advantage to wake up, and thus passed the eighth trial and obtained the Shura Excalibur.

Unfortunately, the two sides are hostile, and he can't do it anymore.

"No thanks, I was here to destroy this place."

Luo Chuan took a deep breath, and the seventh spirit ring lit up.

This time, before the sword was released, everything around was turned into powder.

Blood was flowing from Luo Chuan's hand, and he couldn't bear the power of the Seven Kill Sword again, and the Seven Kill Sword itself was also squeaking, cracks continuously surfaced..

A force that surpassed the previous blow. If the blow reached the ordinary priest's blow, this time it would be comparable to the third-level god's blow.

It is also a god level, but its attack power has risen a step again.

The price is that his Seven Killing Sword does not break open, and his body is also torn out by the sword energy.

"Sword Seven!"

Luo Chuan gritted his teeth, endured the pain caused by sword aura, and released all the blow.

The blue sword energy rushed into the sky, not only piercing the void, but also piercing the entire killing city!

The earth cracked, the blue sword light rushed into the sky, and the terrifying edge force made the wind and clouds surging for thousands of miles.

The god Shura, who was coming, noticed that the domain he had left behind was broken, and he showed his expression for the first time: "What's the matter, who else in Douluo Star can break through the domain I left, is it possible that any god dares to come to the lower realm against the rules? , How dare to move the layout of the law enforcement envoy?"

He frowned and thought for a moment, and descended to Douluo Star as quickly as possible.

On the opposite side of Luochuan, the King of Slaughter saw this sword with a stunning expression.

"What a beautiful sword."

He laughed, holding the Shura Divine Sword in both hands, and all his power sublimated, gushing out like flames, turning into a bloody light, and rushing towards Luochuan.

At this moment, even if he goes all out and is blessed by the Shura Divine Sword, the light is not as dazzling as the blue sword.

As if a moth was fighting a fire, he turned into a bloody giant sword and collided with the blue sword light.

The strength of the Shura Divine Sword was not enough to resist. The next moment, he was swallowed, and the body that was on the verge of collapse quickly evaporated, turning into fly ash and continuously annihilating.

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