Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 306 Thunder Fist

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"If you can defeat us in this situation, I would like to call you the strongest!"

Sword Douluo took a step, the aura on his body reached its peak, and the sharp sword aura filled the earth, cutting the ground into cracks, the grass and trees were sharp, the surrounding void was also distorted, and traces appeared.

At this moment, he was not only a 97-level pinnacle Douluo, but also close to a 100-level demigod.

With the help of Ning Fengzhi, the aura of the divine dragon transformed by Bone Douluo rose greatly, and it was a circle larger, like a giant beast in the Nether Land.

Although the aura is a bit worse than Sword Douluo, it is also comparable to the 99-level peerless Douluo. Together, the combat power is absolutely comparable to the 100-level demigod!

Just like this, the two can block the blow of the true god.

"I shot it!"

Luo Chuan gave the three of them the opportunity to prepare, and when he saw that they had shown their strongest strength, he no longer waited. The first spirit ability burst out in an instant.

The blue-gold sword light was released, like a bolt of lightning flying out, incredibly fast.

"I come."

Bone Douluo's spirit power was condensed, and the dragon's tail swung, and a white shadow smashed into the sword light.


The dragon's tail trembled, and the pale light on it was torn apart by the sword light, repulsing the dragon's tail, leaving a sword mark.

The strong aftermath of the sword gas smashed the distant vegetation into dregs, and even the stones along the way were torn apart.

Jian Douluo's eyes condensed slightly, and when Luo Chuan slashed a sword, a strong blue light was released from him, and the power of the domain was the first to crush Luo Chuan.

His domain is pure attack, which can forcibly weaken opponents, but when he is close to Luochuan, he is easily broken by Luochuan's sword energy, unable to invade further.

Sword Douluo also didn't expect his own domain to suppress Luochuan, a huge sword shadow appeared in his hands, and volleyed Luochuan down.

The dazzling blue sword illuminates the void, and with a few spirit rings flickering, it contains terrifying power, and it falls extremely fast.

Before the sword shadow was cut off, Luo Chuan felt a sharp aura on his body, and the sword in his hand hurriedly turned and stood in front of him.


When the two swords collided, he used his spirit abilities while he didn't use it. Luo Chuan trembled and had to take a step back and let go of the offensive.

He swiped his hand to the side, and the remaining attack was forcibly pushed aside and landed on the ground nearby. With a click, he cut a hundred-meter-long crack.

At this moment, Bone Douluo launched another attack, first a strange mist enveloped Luochuan, making his figure blurred, and then bone spurs shot out.

"Sure enough, the cooperation is perfect, very experienced in combat."

Luo Chuan's vision was blocked at the moment, and he was attacking from all directions, and he couldn't retreat at all.

But his divine mind confirmed the real situation in an instant, first stepped back to avoid some of the bone spurs, and the Seven Killing Sword in his hand exploded with a more powerful aura.

He didn't even look at it, the sword blade had already crossed backwards, and a large amount of soul power had condensed into a ten-foot-long crescent moon, covering his rear and left and right sides in the attack.

The blue-gold crescent moon broke through the mist, revealing the surprised Sword Douluo behind and the Bone Douluo who was about to sneak attack on the left.

They never expected that Luo Chuan would be able to determine that they had changed the direction of attack and accurately locked them.


The violent explosion spread in front of the two of them. The attack of the two pinnacle Douluo and the sword light of Luochuan shattered at the same time. When the offensive was broken, they were also shaken by the explosion.

In this way, the two made a sneak attack, and they were actually defeated by Luochuan with a sword.

"Bitch, this kid has such a keen sense that he can't seem to attack him."

Bone Douluo shook his tingling dragon claws and smiled bitterly.

His attacks have always been weird, as unpredictable as a ghost, and in cooperation with Sword Douluo, he has never been disadvantaged.

Unexpectedly, it won't work here in Luochuan today.

They didn't know that Luochuan's mental power had become divine consciousness. This was only a true god could possess, so how could they be confused to Luochuan?

"Human sword is one!"

Sword Douluo did not hesitate. Facing such a pinnacle powerhouse, once he hesitated, there would be no chance.

In the next second, the Seven Kills Sword shone brightly, covering the Sword Douluo, and quickly swelled, and at the same time, the sound of the Sword Douluo disappeared in the sword light.

In the end, the Seven Kill Sword turned into a huge sword measuring one foot long and two feet wide, and with a slight shock, it shredded the raging sword energy around it.


The Seven Killing Sword instantly drew out six swords, which happened to be combined into a big killing character in the void.

Every stroke of this character is sword light, and it appears black. This is because the sword aura is too strong and it directly splits the void and exposes the cracks.

Therefore, the power of any of these swords is very terrifying, and the combined power of the six swords has risen to a higher level.

The moment the word killing appeared, he pushed Luo Chuan horizontally, and the void was all cut open on the way, revealing long cracks.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Luo Chuan exclaimed, and his third spirit ability was released immediately, without any bells and whistles, just a simple stab.

The void shattered and turned into a huge black sword shadow, in which the blue-gold sword aura carried the power of the broken void, hitting the killer head on.

The black sword shadow collided with the black killing character, and the sword energy in it also touched.


The killing character was broken open in the middle, then shattered, and turned into a black hole, the sword aura of both of them instantly shredded a 100-meter radius.

The shattered space spread to Sword Douluo, and the Seven Kills Sword was involved.

This caused Bone Douluo's pupils to shrink and cried out strangely: "Bitch, he is stronger than your sword."

"What nonsense, hurry up and attack when his momentum is declining!"

Sword Douluo's voice came from Qisha Sword.

"it is good!"

Bone Douluo knew that the crack in the space couldn't hurt the sword Douluo, who was already one sword at the moment, so he took off and crossed the broken void.

He roared, and his huge body smashed Luo Chuan severely.


Luo Chuan had indeed just issued the third sword at this moment, and it was too late to brew the fourth sword. Facing this blow, apart from using other martial spirits, he could only rely on his body and soul bone.

Instead of urging other martial souls, he threw a punch with his left hand.


A purple thunder appeared on his head, and a circle of black appeared on his left arm. The former doubled his strength and the latter increased his fist speed.

But Bone Douluo felt his body sink, like sinking into the mud, and couldn't help but pale in shock: "Gravity control!"

The gravity around him suddenly increased tenfold, even if he was comparable to Peerless Douluo at the moment, it would be affected.

There was no immediate attack on Luochuan, but the latter's fist was shot very quickly, and a large amount of thunder power was gathered on it, turning into a thunderball, just like Thor.

"How dare your body collide with me, I think your fist is hard or my bones are hard!"

Bone Douluo snorted coldly, his body's spirit abilities were released, and the bones merged into armor, with the help of the opponent's gravity control, forming a more terrifying impact force.


The purple thunder fist collided with the bone dragon, directly erupting into an earth-shaking aftermath.

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