Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 307-I'm the Only One

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A loud and deafening noise rose to the sky, the earth sank like foam, and nearby cracks appeared like cobwebs, and the soil was turned by powerful force like waves.

Luo Chuan's figure is extremely small compared to the bone dragon, but the power of the thunder erupting at this moment is like a round of sun, blocking the bone dragon.


Bone Douluo screamed and looked at his body in disbelief. On the bone shield condensed with spirit ability, a fist with a flash of purple thunder, not only blocked his body weighing ten thousand jins, but also unloaded his falling blow. Shocks, and cracks continue to appear.

Click! Click!

The thunder screamed like a thousand birds, smashing his thick bone shield, and at the same time, a huge force surged in, breaking the bone shield and hitting the bones behind.

Suddenly, the bones were also broken a lot.

When he tried to resist, the gravity suddenly changed from ten times to one tenth of normal, making his body lighter.

Then the Bone Dragon was directly beaten into flight, and fell embarrassedly in front of the Seven Killing Sword that had just escaped from the space crack.

"Monster, are you a monster? You can break my bone shield with your fist!"

Bone Douluo did not forget to spit on the ground, his eyes looked at Luochuan's undamaged fist like a pervert.

He is a Titled Douluo of the Defense Department, his bones are as strong as King Kong, and even Sword Douluo can't help him.

Today I was broken by the force of my fist, which is really incredible.

"My fist still hurts."

Luo Chuan shook his hand. This old bone was really hard. The explosion of his divine body and purple electric dragon horn soul bone actually broke a few bones of this guy.

It seems that only by relying on artifacts or sword six can it be possible to break this guy.

Ning Fengzhi was completely stunned when he saw Luo Chuan punch Uncle Bone flying out.

Fortunately, he is an auxiliary spirit master, and it's okay to stand still, otherwise this reaction is enough to affect the battle.

A thousand meters away, a figure struggled to stabilize its body in the squally wind brought by the aftermath.

"It's amazing. Grandpa Bone was beaten up. Why is he so amazing? Isn't he only six or seven years older than me?"

Ning Rongrong still couldn't accept this reality. As the proud girl of heaven, she was arrogant.

After seeing the talents of Luochuan and the others last time, she has been working hard since she came back and is now approaching level 30, which makes her quite proud.

But now there is no way to compare with Luo Chuan, let alone at the age of 17, even if she has cultivated for another 30 years, she can't compare with Luo Chuan.

The more I looked at her, the more shocked she was, and then she simply treated Luochuan as a person, which made her feel better.

On the battlefield, Luo Chuan blocked Bone Douluo's attack with a fist, holding on to the moment of another attack.

"Sword Four!"

Luo Chuan drank, there was a big gap between the level 93 Jian 4 and the 97 level Jian 4.

At this moment, not only had his cultivation level improved by a large margin, but the quality of the Seven Kill Sword had also improved a lot after being boosted by the power of Shura and fused with the Clear Sky Hammer.

Therefore, the power of Sword Four is much stronger than before!

This sword is already a god level.

As soon as the sword aura broke out, the faces of the three people on the opposite side changed drastically.


An extreme sense of danger flooded into their hearts.

They feel that they are no longer facing people, but God!

"No, this sword surpasses the limit of humanity!"

Bone Douluo's face was shocked.

"Go together, otherwise it's impossible to block it."

Sword Douluo's voice came out of the Seven Kills Sword, and then the gleam of light was immense, and the Seven Kills Sword stood up in the air and was held by a larger shadow.

This shadow was nearly seven meters high, just like Sword Douluo. As soon as he grasped the Seven Kill Sword, all his power was injected into it, and he raised the sword towards Luochuan.

With the beating of the sword light, a killing character that was ten times larger was drawn out, and as the space shattered, the world faded, and the endless murderous aura condensed in it, pushing away from Luochuan.

Not only that, he himself merged into the Seven Kill Sword again, and merged with the Bone Douluo on one side.

The Seven Killing Sword turned into a corner of the bone dragon, and the two rushed towards Luochuan together under the combination.

Ning Fengzhi gritted his teeth and urged the power of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda to the maximum, as much as possible to supplement the power of the two titled Douluo.

With his assistance, the combined attack of the two titled Douluo was close to the gods.

The fourth sword in Luochuan's hand was also cut out, the power of this sword was completely equivalent to the previous sword five, and it had reached the god level properly.

Sword Douluo had a lot of combat experience, and the killing attack came first, forcing Luochuan to spend a part of his strength to solve it.

This time the killing power was stronger than the last time, and the sharpness released by Luochuan's Sword Four still broke it easily like last time.

But in this way, his sword light was consumed a lot, and a part of his strength was reduced. Then, if he collided with the two, he would not have an overwhelming advantage.

The next moment, the world suddenly fell silent.

Then there was a loud noise, the earth shook the mountains!


Ning Rongrong was so scared that he hurriedly hid behind a huge boulder, and immediately felt the hurricane-like waves spread, the surrounding trees shattered, and the stones flew up like the end of the day.

She could only faintly see that there were several colors in the distant sky, the brightest of which was blue-gold, the other blue and white were slowly being covered up, as for the color, there was almost only a little.

"Horrible, terrible."

Ning Rongrong's body couldn't help shaking. She felt that if it weren't for this stone, she might have been killed by Yubo for thousands of meters.

"I should be obedient."

She had some regrets in her heart, and she lay tightly on the ground, shivering like an ant under the storm.

The aftermath came fast, went fast, and spread quickly. The grass and trees within a radius of a thousand feet shattered the inner circle, and the outer circle was all broken or dumped outward.

She looked up carefully, her pupils shrinking.

Only a thousand meters away, the hilltop of the place where they were fighting cracked directly, and the vegetation and stones within a hundred feet of the surrounding area turned into dust, and the land was easily peeled off.

A large pit hundreds of meters wide showed how terrifying the shock wave just now. In the large pit that was ten meters deep, his father fell pale on the ground.

The two grandpas looked embarrassed, their chests full of blood, and they were struggling to lean together.

She had a feeling that if the two were not leaning against each other, she had fallen down at this moment.

In front of the two of them, a sword mark of more than one hundred feet left a deeper mark in the pit, spreading all the way to their feet.

The source is that the other side still emits blue and gold squares, the clothes are neat, the hair is blowing in the wind, and the handsome face does not change color.

When Ning Rongrong saw this man, his eyes could no longer be moved.

The domineering and powerful momentum made Luochuan the master of heaven and earth at this moment, one man with one sword, self-dominance, and seemingly invincible!

"It is worthy of being the best of the three in the world, and it can actually block my sword like a god."

Luo Chuan appreciated that just now, no one of the opponent could block the sword, but through skill and cooperation, it was blocked.

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