Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 308 Nine Treasure Glass Tower

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"But this is your fourth spirit ability."

Sword Douluo said bitterly.

He is certain that the opponent has not yet exerted his full strength.

"Next is the fifth sword."

Luo Chuan nodded, the fifth spirit ring fluctuated, and the more terrifying aura raged out.

Behind the two big Douluos, Ning Fengzhi who fell to the ground hurriedly raised his head, raised his hands and said, "Don't fight, we surrender."

The blow just now quickly defeated the three of them, and if it continues, it will definitely kill people.

"Oh, admit defeat? The previous agreement must be followed."

Luo Chuan didn't have any intention to kill at first, but seeing Ning Fengzhi convinced, the light of the spirit ring dimmed.

"My Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will publicly announce that I will submit to the Tiandou Empire and officially become a courtier of the royal family."

Ning Fengzhi smiled bitterly. If they don't do this now, not only will their lives be in danger, but the sect may also be destroyed.

"Very well, I don't treat you badly. As long as you surrender, teacher, you can continue to have an official position in the court, and I will also give you a fairy medicine."

The Seven Killing Sword in Luo Chuan's hand was scattered, and he put it away, and at the same time took out a gleaming herb.

The rhizomes and leaves of this fairy grass are like vines, and there is a golden tulip at the top, with a fragrance permeating it, as if being in a rich family.

Ning Fengzhi's eyes lit up.

I heard my daughter mention the fairy grass before, which can improve the previous Tiandou Royal Team collectively, which is nothing ordinary.

"Girl, come here, this fairy grass is prepared for you, we are powerful, and there is no good effect after eating it."

Luo Chuan turned his head and looked into the distance. Ning Rongrong sneaked over. With his powerful spirit, how could he not find it?

In the distance, a gray-headed girl poked her head from behind a stone and smiled awkwardly: "You found out by the prince brother."

Faced with Luochuan at this moment, her attitude has changed a lot, and she is no longer as casual as before.

After all, this is also the pinnacle powerhouse who crushed and beat her two grandfathers and father, which is much more shocking than the previous prince.

"Rongrong, didn't you let you stay and don't run around?"

Ning Fengzhi's face sank, and the girl ran over. If they didn't agree to surrender, Luo Chuan could arrest his daughter and threaten it.

"I am worried about you."

Ning Rongrong puffed his mouth, not too afraid of his father.

"Come on, take this fairy medicine."

Luo Chuan said lightly, this Qiluo tulip was used to appease the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, but also because he wanted the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

Especially the latter is the key. Compared to the possibility of fusing the Nine Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda, Ning Rongrong's evolution of the Nine Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda is basically certain.

"Wait, how can we be sure that your immortal medicine is okay?"

Sword Douluo frowned, not too relieved.

"Do I have to play tricks?"

Luo Chuan disdain: "Killing you is not difficult for me."

Although the faces of the three Jian Douluo were ugly, they no longer doubted. Indeed, as Luo Chuan said, people can decide their life and death, so why bother to frame a little girl.

"Brother prince, don't be so fierce, OK? It feels terrible."

Ning Rongrong was crying.

"Don't pretend to be weak. Come here quickly. This is your chance. If it's not your identity, Immortal Medicine will not be your turn."

Luo Chuan said impatiently, how could he not see Ning Rongrong pretending to be pathetic.

This girl is a little witch, who is used to domineering and blessing in the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect, how could he be scared by a word?

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo looked furious, and they both couldn't bear to scold Ning Rongrong. Why is this kid fierce?

When Luo Chuan saw it, he turned his head and said politely: "Why, you are not convinced, you still want to fight?"

The two looked stagnant.

Just now, Bone Douluo's bones were shaken apart a lot, and if he hit it down, he really wanted to tear down his old bones.

Sword Douluo was also extremely weak, and was also unable to fight again, only in distress.

Seeing his own words caused Luo Chuan to bully his two grandfathers, Ning Rongrong realized that this was not a place where he was acting pitifully, and finally became honest.

She became a good baby, walked to Luochuan, looked at Qiluo Tulip: "It's so beautiful, how do I eat it?"

"Absorb the essence in the stamen, and then slowly spread the medicine power throughout the body with soul power."

Luo Chuan said how to take it, and the essence of this fairy grass was in the stamen.


Ning Rongrong didn't dare to express any more opinions. He took Qiluo Tulip, and according to the method Luo Chuan said, he brought it close to his nostrils and gently absorbed it.

The rich scent turned into a ray of precious light that poured into her body along the breath, transforming into pure medicinal power to spread.

After absorbing the essence in the stamen, she felt her body feel hot, so she hurriedly sat cross-legged to practice, guiding the power of the medicine all over the body.

The Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda naturally emerged from her, suspended in front of her, shining with colorful light.

The medicinal power of Qiluo Tulip turns into a layer of gold, with a faint fragrance, constantly pouring into the Qibao Glazed Pagoda, making its precious light more and more intense.

To be honest, Ning Rongrong is still pretty good-looking, now surrounded by precious light, golden light bursts, like a fairy descending to the earth, with the ultimate noble air.

Soon, her cultivation base broke through to level 30, and because she didn't have a spirit ring, her level didn't increase anymore, but her spirit power was not affected, it was still increasing.

Not only did the cultivation base change, but the Qibao Glazed Glass Tower released by him was also undergoing a qualitative change, slowly increasing in size, and soon an extra layer appeared out of thin air.

As he watched nervously, he made up his mind that if something happened to his daughter, Ning Fengzhi, who was desperately trying to stop Luochuan, suddenly his pupils shrank when he saw this change.

"this is……"

Luo Chuan shook his head and isolated Ning Rongrong with divine thoughts: "Stay back a little, don't disturb her absorbing the essence of the fairy medicine."

Ning Fengzhi endured his excitement and continued to look at his daughter intently.

The latter's precious light is getting more and more intense, the original colorful light, at this moment, there is one more kind, and it becomes eight colors.

And the seven-story pagoda has become eight-story!

Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo looked at each other, both with joy.

As the guardian elders of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Sect, they also know that the Seven Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda can evolve. There are also the Eight Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda and the Nine Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda on it.

Each additional layer represents one more realm of future potential, and one more spirit ring can be absorbed, and the auxiliary ability will naturally increase.

"Just one more layer makes you so excited, there is another layer."

Luo Chuan muttered in his heart, quietly looking at the shining girl.

In the excitement of the three of them, the original eight-story pagoda continued to grow taller, slowly condensing one layer again, giving it an extra color.

Nine floors!

Nine Treasure Glass Tower!

Successfully evolved!

Ning Fengzhi widened his eyes and looked at his daughter's martial soul in disbelief.

He read one to nine silently in his heart, counted several times, and couldn't help but wipe his eyes.

In the end, he was sure that it was really the 9th floor, and his daughter had evolved the ultimate dream of their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Tower!

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