Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 310 Land Fairy

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In his opinion, the daughter will marry anyway in the future, and most of it will marry the descendants of the big forces.

In that case, why not marry the most powerful and powerful person on this road?

Being a concubine to Luochuan is better than marrying someone else.

As for the next generation, his daughter is afraid that she can't wait, so she might as well seize the opportunity earlier.

Otherwise, there will be many sending women to Luochuan in the future. If you enter the harem earlier, you will have a higher status.

"I don't refuse, but I don't agree too much. It depends on her opinion."

Luo Chuan was noncommittal. To be honest, he didn't have much interest in Ning Rongrong, and he cared more about this sect.


Ning Rongrong blushed hot when asked by Luo Chuan Chi Guoguo.

"Rongrong, Dad doesn't force you, he just gives you a chance. If you don't want to, you should not say anything today."

Ning Fengzhi said sternly that he cared about his daughter very much and considered the future of the sect before he proposed to let his daughter become an imperial concubine, but he didn't force it, just gave a choice.

Whether to choose wealth or freedom depends entirely on her daughter's wishes.


Ning Rongrong didn't expect that the nonsense he was overjoyed just now would really be realized.

"It seems that the expensive daughter is not willing, so let's stop here."

Luo Chuan smiled. He didn't want an eleven or twelve-year-old girl to choose her future now. Ning Fengzhi was still too utilitarian.

"No, I want to marry you!"

Ning Rongrong suddenly said loudly.


Jian Douluo's face changed drastically: "This is not a trifle, don't talk nonsense."

"Yeah, I really agreed, you will have to serve with other women in the future."

Bone Douluo hurriedly said.

"Girl, you have to think about it, this kind of thing is not casual, after all, you and I are special."

Luochuan said meaningfully.

Once Ning Fengzhi officially said that he wanted his daughter to be the imperial concubine, even if Ning Rongrong was unwilling in the future, there would be no way to go back.

No one is allowed to fight on the face of the royal family.

"Grandfather Jian, didn't I just say that I want to agree with my body? He helped me evolve the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. I can't think of how to repay such kindness."

Ning Rongrong shook his head. Although she was spoiled, she had a good vision in this kind of big sect.

"We will find a way to repay." Jian Douluo helplessly, what does this girl think, even if there are many benefits to being an imperial concubine, where is freedom and comfort?

"Grandpa Jian, Grandpa Bone, and Dad, I know that you have done a lot for me. I used to be bad, and always messed up with you. Now please let me do something too."

Ning Rongrong said seriously.

"Okay, as for it, marrying me is like an overwhelming thing."

Luo Chuan was speechless, and said impatiently: "Just so, Immortal Medicine will be my reward for surrendering to Heaven Dou, there is no need to think about it."

"No, the prince brother, I am sincere. I want to marry you. I would rather be a concubine than you would marry someone who is weaker than you and less powerful than you."

Ning Rongrong was serious.

"Sure enough, it's a little witch, so you can say that."

Luo Chuan glanced at Ning Rongrong.

Isn't this similar to those in his previous life who would rather be a junior to a rich man than an ordinary wife?

"Don't you want me to be like this?" Ning Rongrong was taken aback for a moment.

"No, I just didn't expect you to be so mature."

Luo Chuan shook his head, choosing wealth and power, or choosing love and freedom, he couldn't care about it, and he wouldn't belittle anyone.

"This matter will be left temporarily. If you have someone you like when you become an adult, that person is not me, so you should not say anything today."

Luochuan disappeared in a flash.

He really didn't have much interest in such a woman who took the initiative to send it to the door.

"I actually refused, ah, I'm so angry."

Ning Rongrong opened her teeth and danced her claws. She didn't expect that she would be rejected if she took the initiative to deliver it to the door.

"This is a good thing."

Jian Douluo breathed a sigh of relief: "In the future, you can marry a man and be your own suzerain. How comfortable is it?"

"That is, when you go to the palace, you have to compete with other women to be jealous. Where can you be free and comfortable in the sect? If you want, you can just marry more men."

Ning Rongrong heard this in a daze: "What did you say, Grandpa Gu, am I that kind of person?"

"Whoever stipulates that only men have three wives and four concubines. If you have the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, you should marry a few more men to be worthy of you."

Bone Douluo smiled strangely.

"Grandpa Bone, you are good or bad."

Ning Rongrong used his little hand to go to the chest of the Malleus Douluo.


Ning Feng sighed: "Rongrong, you shouldn't hesitate if you are interested in this prince."

"When have I been interesting to him?" Ning Rongrong's face flushed again.

"Which girl doesn't like this kind of man, the soul master of the Nine Hearts Begonia Martial Spirit in their team, wouldn't they just want to follow him?"

Ning Fengzhi had seen everything long ago and said, "Just like men love beautiful women, so women will love handsome men. Not to mention that this prince is not only handsome, but also terribly powerful. He can be called the number one in the world, a land god!"

"Land Fairy... is that amazing?" Ning Rongrong was surprised, but he didn't expect his father to give such a high evaluation.

"You are still weak, the gap is too big, you can't see much."

Ning Fengzhi smiled bitterly. If it weren't for land immortals, how could he easily crush them now?

"Almost, this person's strength really can no longer be measured by a mortal."

Jian Douluo agreed, showing doubts: "It's just that I don't understand why he is so strong. Qian Daoliu is not his opponent, and we have suffered a miserable defeat together."

"It's not easy. He has something to do with real gods. Don't you remember that there is a heritage of gods in this world. If not, how could he, a swan spirit prince, grow so fast?"

Bone Douluo curled his lips.

"Well, I'm also sure that he has the inheritance of the gods. After all, where did the guardians who appeared before come from? A person of seventeen or eighteen years old cannot have such strength in normal cultivation."

Ning Fengzhi nodded and touched his daughter's head: "If you have the opportunity, you should have more contact with him. You have a good opinion of him. He doesn't dislike you. Take the initiative. He will accept it for the sake of our Qibao Glazed Glass Sect. your."


Ning Rongrong's eyes rolled, is that person so powerful? He is indeed the man of his dreams.

"Go and consolidate your cultivation. I'll take you to hunt down the spirit beasts and absorb the third spirit ring in two days."

Ning Fengzhi asked her daughter to go back to practice, and continued: "Uncle Bone and Uncle Jian, I took the initiative to bring up this matter, except that I want to let my daughter enter the royal family, which is conducive to the development of the sect, and I also want my daughter to have a chance to become a god."


The pupils of the two shrank.

"Well, if His Royal Highness becomes a god in the future, he will get the first place near the water. Rongrong will definitely have a chance. Compared with the Nine Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda and the so-called freedom, this is the ultimate dream of all soul masters."

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