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Ning Fengzhi looked up at the sky, with a look of expectation: "Besides, Rong Rong does have a good impression of him. Even I think he is suitable for Rong Rong's husband. Why not do it."

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo looked at each other, feeling a little impulsive just now, and shouldn't go against them.

They can only hope to become a god, and if Rongrong has the opportunity, they should firmly grasp it.

After all, after becoming a god, you can live forever.

Luo Chuan left the Qibao Liuli Sect and did not return to the palace, but came to Soto City.

This city was originally one of the two big cities of the Barak Kingdom. Since the Barak Kingdom was destroyed by Luochuan, the city has been under the jurisdiction of the Empire.

The Shrek Academy here has taken care of him, naturally it has not been affected by the war, and it has developed very well.

Without worrying about funds, Shrek Academy has built a lot of houses next to the former village, and enrolled a lot of students.

Dean Flander was sitting in the office, happily counting the gold coins that had just been issued, and sighed: "It's comfortable to have your thighs to hold, and you don't have to worry about running out of money anymore."

"However, in the last mainland Soul Master Academy competition, that guy seemed to be an assistant in the Champion Academy. I can't just look at the money, but also cultivate a champion team.

Thinking of the master, Flender couldn't help muttering, giving birth to a heart of comparison.

"It's still a bit of fighting spirit, I thought you could get by with the funds easily."

A faint voice sounded, making Flender's face changed, turning his head vigilantly and shouting: "Who!"

"I can't hear my voice anymore? It seems that it's been a long time."

Luo Chuan's figure suddenly appeared inside the house.

"Second Prince!"

After Flandre recognized it, he hurriedly got up and saluted, and subconsciously shouted.

Immediately, he thought that the second prince had become a prince, and immediately changed his words.

"Oh, no, you should be called your Royal Highness!"

Luo Chuan nodded and looked at the spacious and elegant office: "It seems you are doing well."

"It is all supported by His Royal Highness, otherwise we will still live in the shabby place before."

Flander smiled flatteringly.

"Well, I haven't seen it for so long. The college has indeed changed a lot. You can take me around."

Luo Chuan said lightly.

"my pleasure."

Flander hurriedly led the way and wandered around the new college.

"By the way, tell me about the outstanding students you recently recruited."

Luo Chuan walked and said.


Flender nodded: "Of the last two batches of students, the best one is a food soul master who is naturally full of soul power. This child is called Oscar and is the first student of our college with full soul power."

"Yes, it's very rare for the auxiliary spirit master to have full spirit power innate."

Luochuan echoed.

"Except for him, there is also a very good student of the evil fire crazy martial arts. He is called Ma Hongjun. The martial arts spirit is a phoenix. Unfortunately, there is a defect. There is evil fire in his body, otherwise he is definitely the top martial arts spirit."

After Flander introduced the two people, he didn't say anything, because the other students really couldn't compare.

As Luochuan changed the situation on the entire mainland, the Shrek Academy now has no Tang San, Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and others.

Like Tang San was already dead, most of Dai Mubai was killed under the subjugation of the country, Xiao Wu was about to send him to the Royal Academy, and most of Ning Rongrong would not come.

"Since you admire two people so much, let them come, I will give them some opportunities."

Luo Chuan asked Flender to call the two students over.

Soon, two more teenagers appeared in front of him, one with a handsome appearance, but with a beard and a little wretchedness.

The other one is chubby, with a bit of irritability.

"This is the deputy dean of our academy and the prince of the Tiandou Empire."

"His Royal Highness!"

The Oscars were surprised.

This kind of existence is actually the deputy dean of their college, and Shrek Academy has such a deep background, no wonder the dean is triumphant all day long.

They hurriedly saluted.

"You're welcome, you can just call me Dean Xue from now on. Calling you over this time is because Dean Flanders praised your talents. Now I have a look and it is indeed a top genius."

Luo Chuan simply explained: "For geniuses, we will focus on training and treat them differently. Now I will give you a fairy grass, just as I give you a reward."

"Fairy grass?"

Including Flanders, they all showed their doubts. They had never heard of it.

Luochuan took out two immortal grasses, a cockscomb and Phoenix sunflower, and a common immortal grass, and directly divided them between them.

"Ma Hongjun, this fairy grass has a great effect on you. It can help you get rid of the evil fire in your body and avoid the suffering of evil fire burning your body."

"Can you get rid of the evil fire?"

Ma Hongjun was in a daze when he heard the effect of the fairy grass.

"Well, you are lucky, I just happen to have such a fairy grass in my hand to solve your problem."

Luochuan smiled.

"This...this is too expensive, Dean Xue, how can I take it casually."

Ma Hongjun was at a loss.

You know, his evil fire is that the dean can't help it, and I haven't heard anyone can do it, but this fairy grass can do it, it's absolutely precious.

"My royal family values ​​the cultivation of geniuses. If you feel that you owe you, you can become a strong person in the future and you can work for our royal family. Just give it back. If you don't want to, you can help the royal family to do something to make yourself have a clear conscience."

Luo Chuan stated his purpose. He did not force these people to join the royal camp, but he gave such a great advantage that he believed that these two teenagers would know how to do it in the future.

"Well, I will definitely work hard to practice and repay the kindness of His Royal Highness in the future."

Only then did Ma Hongjun breathe a sigh of relief. He didn't receive any merit. Luo Chuan didn't ask for it before, so he was embarrassed to take it.

"Oscar, your immortal medicine is mainly to consolidate the foundation and cultivate the vitality, to improve your cultivation speed, I will teach you how to take it."

Luo Chuan explained the method of taking it and let the two of them eat it and start digesting.

Flander didn't speak from beginning to end, and he acquiesced in Luochuan's intention to recruit two students.

When they accepted the funds that year, they made an agreement that in the future, the students of the college would give priority to the royal family. Luo Chuan now comes up with such a good thing, that is, he also agrees with Ma Hongjun to serve the royal family in the future.

Now the situation in the mainland has changed. The Heaven Dou Empire will unify the world. The future path of the soul master will be either the Heaven Dou Imperial Family or the Spirit Hall, and the treatment of the former is much better.

"His Royal Highness granted them this opportunity, enough to give them the opportunity to aspire to Title Douluo."

Flander sighed.

Luo Chuan took it for granted: "This kind of top genius naturally wants to make them the top power as much as possible."

After waiting outside for a long time, Oscar came out first and thanked Luochuan excitedly.

Not to mention that his cultivation base was raised to level 30 in one breath, he could still be improved by absorbing spirit rings in the future.

Moreover, he felt that his cultivation speed was also accelerating, and he got rid of the problem of slow cultivation of food-type spirit masters.

This made him extremely grateful to Luo Chuan.

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