The bodies of the two girls were found in the old house. They were cremated and buried. The family members were very strong, and they were strong all the time. They held on, without a drop of tears.

Yin Shaosen said that it was because of her bravery that the three girls were saved and the gangsters were arrested. How many innocent people in the future were rescued. Even the police praised her.

However, none of these can make her happy, because what happened in the past few days is too dangerous. In any case, two girls have died. They are clearly so young that they have not felt the beauty of the world, so they died under the gun of criminals.

Yin Shaosen saw that she looked depressed. In order to make her happy, he told jokes and funny stories. As a popular star, he put down all the figures and idols' burden in order to make her happy.

Her hand was broken and she stayed in the hospital for a period of time. Su Ting didn't know the real situation. As long as she was filming in the crew, she was afraid of Su Ting's worry, but she also kept it from Su ting.

During this period of time, Yin Shaosen has been taking good care of him. He has not even gone to shoot the play.

It's just a fracture and her left hand. She can solve some basic life by herself. She doesn't want to delay Yin Shaosen. She persuades him again and again, but he just refuses to leave her

After leaving the hospital, in order to express her gratitude, she invited Yin Shaosen to her home for dinner. Later, Yin Shaosen often came uninvited. She can't drive out the rescuers, can't she?

In this way, two people gradually become more and more familiar

And Yin Shaosen is getting better and better with her

So good that she can't get back

She thought that no matter what happened, Yin Shaosen could not be willing to do anything harmful to her, or hurt her at all

But she forgot that emotion is too easy to make people lose their sense

Yin Shaosen lost his mind after all

She didn't expect that she finally chose Lu Chi Mo and failed to live up to his efforts over the years. Yin Shaosen couldn't stand it. He seemed to be able to take it up and put it down. He didn't care about anything. He could just pass by with a smile

But in the aspect of emotion, it is terrifying

It's all her fault. Yin Shaosen has already indicated his intention to her. She should have refused to accept his agreement after all. Why did she accept his agreement later?

Why be soft hearted? Want to give each other a chance, want to give the child a father, a home, let him not be stabbed spine scold illegitimate son

If she could be more resolute, too many bad things would not happen. Maybe Yin Shaosen had no hope for her at that time, and his feelings were not deep enough. She could still put down and start a new life

Maybe there is someone else now, rather than clinging to her. She is stubborn and has to take her away. She is sick and wants to get a word from her mouth that she is willing to go with him

Once sunny big boy, because of her, disappeared

is like a bubble, gone...

Li Yang grabs his skirt and wakes up in pain

Her eyes were bound together by something. It was very uncomfortable. She tried to move her eyelids. After several times, she finally opened her eyes. It was still the pink veil

She reached out, touched her eyes, looked at the past, palm wet, the original in the dream, she cried? Because once Yin Shaosen disappeared, even a smile from the heart is hard to see, so she cried sad?

Taking a deep breath, she turned her face and looked over. Yin Shaosen was sitting on the ground, lying on the edge of the bed and asleep. Only half of his handsome face was full of sadness

At his feet, there was a big bag of snacks, all of which were dry food, fruit and milk

There is no air conditioning and heating in the room. The air is cool. People lying on the edge of the bed fall asleep like that. The quilt is not covered. It seems that he feels cold. His body shivers slightly from time to time.

Li Yang grabbed the quilt in her hand. She wanted to cover the other party, but she was afraid that she would wake him up. In the end, she had to give up. She didn't know how long Yin Shaosen had been sleeping. She only knew that her head was dizzy and she felt dizzy.

The whole body is soft and weak, she supports the bed to struggle to get up, gently lifts the gauze curtain, on the cabinet beside the bed, put a good cut apple, has been put for a long time, the apple skin is yellow, let a person look at it without appetite.

Li Yang suddenly remembered that before she fell asleep, she seemed to hear Yin Shaosen calling her to eat apples. As a result, she just cried and ignored him.

Since there are peeled apples, there must be a fruit knife, but the fruit knife is not on the bedside table. Where is it?

She labored out of bed, and with all her might she went to the bedside table and opened the drawer.

There is a fruit knife lying quietly inside.

Li Yang in the heart of surprise, take the fruit knife, open, without any hesitation to raise his hand, aiming at his thigh, with all his strength to stab down!

That's the only way. She can only gamble!She has to take advantage of Yin Shaosen sleeping, quietly leave, find someone's place, use communication tools to contact Chi Mo on land

But her body is not strong, so she can only take a risk like this

The knife went down as hard as I could, and the knife was deep into the flesh and blood.

The body curled up instinctively because of pain, and the cold sweat on her forehead kept sliding down and wet her whole small face. She was still biting her tongue and biting out blood. Fang barely controlled herself to bear the pain without making any sound.

Little by little the pain awakened her body, and she drew out the knife, paler than white paper.

She gently put the knife on the ground. From the beginning to the end, she was strong and forbearance. She was stunned and didn't let herself speak. Looking at the past, Yin Shaosen was still asleep

The bright red liquid on her legs constantly gushed out. She untied the hair rope on her hair and tied it tightly to her wound, so as to prevent excessive bleeding and fainting on the way of escape. Otherwise, it was not a failure?

After tying the hair rope, Li Yang put on his flat shoes, endured the pain, and looked around him. Only then did he find that they were in a spacious old room surrounded by mottled walls, with only a light tube on top of his head, and there was no door in this dark room

Li Yang ecstatic, God finally stand on her side?

If there is no door, it means it is easier for her to escape. As long as the door is opened, there will be a little noise, which may wake Yin Shaosen. But there is no door in this room!

Her strength has been restored and the time difference is not much. She walks out of the house with her hands and feet

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