Out of the house, she was startled by what she saw.

It is surrounded by a shabby clothing shop. Although the walls are mottled and covered with dust and hung with spider webs, it is not difficult to see it at a glance, although it has been discarded for many years.

They turned out to be in an abandoned shopping mall.

The design of the shopping mall is very similar to the Asia Europe commercial building under the Asia Europe group. It is a shopping mall with a large number of brands. It has a total of 12 floors, including various famous clothing, jewelry, watches and cosmetics.

On the top three floors, there are gourmet food, children's paradise and cinema.

Li Yang looked up and saw the ceiling made of special glass, which made people feel like it was open-air. Even though a lot of dust has fallen, it is not difficult for her to imagine its original appearance when it was prosperous.

It's really Asia Europe commercial building!

In this city, there is an abandoned Asia Europe commercial building?

How can she not know such a big thing?

Or was she taken away by Yin Shaosen when she was in a coma?

Li Yang felt flustered. He went out for more than ten meters and looked downstairs. They were about seven or eight floors. Their position was not high, but they were empty. It made people feel dizzy after looking at them for two seconds.

And the elevator has long been out of service and can only rely on walking.

In such a big shopping mall, there are only a few lights left, which can barely illuminate the road ahead. She gritted her teeth, supported the handrail of the elevator, dragged her injured legs, and walked downstairs step by step.

When she went down the elevator from floor to floor, she was exhausted and weak, and her leg was numb with pain. But she could not stop. She knew that once she stopped and wanted to go again, it was almost impossible.

Finally, she saw the entrance door of the mall, as if to see hope, the whole person was blooming with brilliance, dragged the tired body to run past, reached out to push open the heavy dust stained glass door.

The door just opened a crack, the thick night, the cold wind will pour in, blowing her long hair, even some messy cover the line of sight.

She instinctively shrunk, trying to lift the hair on her face with her hand. The next second, her wrist was suddenly pulled in and pulled back.

Her whole body was pulled and spun, and her forehead hit her strong chest.

Before he had time to panic, a voice came into his ear, which was more penetrating than the deep night. "Do you want to escape me like this?"

That kind of cold, as if to penetrate into the bones of people, "even at the expense of their own body, also want to escape me?"

She clearly felt that he was holding her wrist hand, shaking, constantly shaking, as if in fear of something, and she suddenly did not feel afraid, only felt uncomfortable.

She closed her eyes in pain, and her voice was hoarse and terrifying, "you let me go..."

Then he opened it and looked at his eyes, full of sadness, "Yin Shaosen, I beg you, let me go..."

But the mood in his eyes is so complicated that people can't distinguish. Every word he says clearly is full of bitterness and uncontrollable anger. But it seems that he is so sad, "why, why can't it be me?"

"What's good about him? You tell me how good he is that you have to be so heartless to me, or even break up with me, and you don't even want to look at me in the future? "

"How am I? What's wrong with me? I love you more than he does. Why can't you choose me? Why don't you go with me

For Li, it is even more difficult for her to answer his questions.

Her silence, as if provoked him, he even more angry questioning, grasp the strength of her wrist, involuntary tightening, "you say, you tell me, I in the end where lost to him?"

She frowned with pain, took a deep breath, and finally looked at his eyes again. "Yin Shaosen, you have nothing better than him. Just, I met him first. From then on, I can't hold anyone else in my eyes."

Hearing this, his pupil shrinks sharply, "Li Yang!"

He called her name and said, "I met you first."

She didn't respond, "what?"

He repeated, "I met you first!"

This time, she understood, but she thought in her mind for a long time, did not think of any memory about him, "I did not know you before."

"Highway one, do you remember?"

How could she not remember the most beautiful coastal road?

At the age of 18, she was sleeping by Lu Chi Mo and said hurtful words. She was in a bad mood. She went to the United States alone a few days later.

At that time, she lived nearby, and almost every day she passed the road, the winding coastal road, on one side was the endless Pacific Ocean, the other was the steep cliff, which aroused her boiling heart.However, what does this have to do with Yin Shaosen?

All of a sudden, she seemed to think something, her eyes wide open.

Is he

The next second, Yin Shaosen confirmed what she thought in her heart, "yes, you guessed right. I was the teenager who raced with you and was despised and ridiculed by your middle finger."

He studied in the United States and occasionally raced with his friends. That day, he saw her driving a sports car on the No. 1 highway. He saw that her technology was very good, and he couldn't help but be enthusiastic. He wanted to compare with her!

As a result, she just caught up and wanted to talk to her, but she seemed to see his intention. She stepped down the gas pedal and instantly opened the distance. He was stimulated and immediately accelerated, but she accelerated again when she was about to catch up with her.

He was unconvinced, and her bar up, in the daytime in the first highway and her open racing, and finally, the skills are not as good as human, defeated, just when he was angry to hit people, the girl on the convertible suddenly turned around, pointed at him with the middle finger, and then, down!

The scorn of red fruit, without a bit of cover up.

He should have been more annoyed, but at the moment of seeing her, he felt his soul was taken away, her dark hair was disordered by the wind, as if blowing to the bottom of his heart

For a moment, accompanied by a fierce roar, the convertible disappeared in his sight, but her face, but forever printed in his mind, her heart.

"After I was dumped by you that day, I began to look for you everywhere, but you seemed to disappear out of thin air. I couldn't find it. Even the car you drove was specially destroyed, and no trace could be found..."

"My friends even laugh at me. They just had a dream, but they are trapped in the dream and can't wake up. Only I know that it's not a dream. You really came to my world and took away my soul..."

"I don't know your name, I don't know where you live. I don't know anything about you except your face. Nevertheless, I looked for you all over the world, until I came back to China to enter the entertainment industry. After shooting a big play in Hengdian, I finally saw your figure..."

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