Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1052: Yin Shaojie, you are dead! (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao was puzzled and thought his eyes were weird. Why did he look at her like this? This look is very ...

Her heart trembled and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why look at me like that?"

Yin Shaoyan's throat was dumb, she reached out and touched her face, then suddenly pulled her over, her thin lips accurately printed on her little mouth.

"Snap", Mu Xiaoxiao pushed him away and stared at him, "Hey, why are you kissing me suddenly?"

Listening to the familiar tone, Yin Shaojie smiled and happily hugged her with her long arms.

"You are finally back……"

"What?" Mu Xiaoxiao was full of arms around him, but did not push him away and looked up. "Why, how could I be in the hospital?"

How much worry was there before, and how happy I am now, Yin Shaojie hugged her and was still shaking, apparently she was not happy.

"Hey, you say!" Mu Xiaoxiao hit his back, but she couldn't help raising her lips when she saw him so happy.

Yin Shaojiu then let go of her and asked with a smile, "You forgot?"

Looking at her like this, did she forget what happened during her amnesia?

But it doesn't matter, as long as her memory comes back.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned his head to think about it, and his head shook and said, "Can't remember ... what happened? Hey, why can't I remember? I can't remember how I got into the hospital."

She frowned, leaning her hand against her forehead, thinking hard, always feeling as if she had lost a very important memory.

Yin Shaojie hugged her head distressedly, kissed her forehead, and said softly, "Forget it, you ca n’t remember it anyway. It is not a serious matter anyway. The important thing is that you wake up and you are fine . "

He kissed him, the position of his lips went down, and he wanted to kiss her lips.

Mu Xiaoxiao was thinking about it and had no time to affectionately with him, so he blocked him with his hands.

"Don't kiss me, I'm thinking about things, I always feel like I've forgotten a very important thing ..."

"Don't think about it, you are the most important thing to me. Don't think about anything else!" Yin Shaojiu returned to the domineering mode, reached out and held her little face, and raised her head to look at herself.

Then he lowered his head and pecked up to peck her lips.

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Mu Xiaoxiao gave him a helpless look. "Then tell me, how did I get in the hospital? Am I injured? Or am I sick?"

In fact, she didn't think of it, but there were too many pictures in her mind, and she couldn't understand for a while and couldn't catch the accurate picture.

Before she wakes up ... what happened?

Mu Xiaoxiao was in deep thought again.

Suddenly, I suddenly remembered a point.

"Ah! I think of it! Su Lin! Su Lin wasn't ... I remember it exploded at the time ... so I was injured? Where did I get hurt?" Mu Xiaoxiao thought of this and looked down at herself Body, want to find his wounds.

Yin Shaojiu held her hand. "You are all right, you are ... injured here."

He nodded her head with his fingers.

Mu Xiaoxiao held his head with his hands. "No wonder ... I felt a dull headache. Am I hurt badly?"

Yin Shaojie paused, and said earnestly, "It's pretty serious."

She all had amnesia, not only forgotten him, but also forgotten everything that happened to them in the past ten years, isn't it serious?

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