Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1053: Yin Shaojie, you are dead! (2)

Mu Xiaoxiao broke his face and asked worriedly, "What should I do? Will it affect my intelligence?"

She doesn't!

She didn't want to be a fool.

Yin Shaoxu deliberately pretended to be heavy, and sighed. He slightly bowed and said, "It may affect, but you can rest assured that you don't have much IQ originally, and it should have little effect."

"Hey!" Mu Xiaoxiao reacted and hit him with his hand. "You try again!"

Yin Shao laughed loudly, and that laughter made Mu Xiaoxiao beat him again.

He wrapped her little hand with his big hand and coaxed, "I was wrong, I was wrong, okay? You are the smartest, our little ones are the smartest."

Talking, she also pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed.

Mu Xiaoxiao rarely saw him do such a move, and he couldn't help feeling numb, and his face was embarrassed, and he shrank his hand back.

She asked, "What about Su Lin and Feng Shengyang? Are they all right?"

When it comes to Feng Shengyang, Yin Shaojie showed unhappiness, "Are you concerned about him?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was puzzled. "I just asked. At that time, Su Lin was standing closer to the bomb than I was. I wonder if she was okay."

It turned out that what she wanted to ask was Su Lin, and Yin Shaoxu converged.

"Su Lin was seriously injured. When you were discharged, she was still in the hospital, but now she should be in the UK." He just explained briefly and didn't want to go into details.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't notice the discharge. She just woke up. When was she discharged? Her attention was focused on the last sentence.

"UK? Then is she going over there for treatment? Or ..."

Yin Shaojie looked into her eyes, and after thinking for a moment, she clenched her little hand and explained to her, "I arranged for her to go. Didn't we just want to get her to the United States? But I thought, Your home is in the United States, so send her to another country. She ’s not injured yet, so I told Uncle Su to send her out when she was n’t awake, and I ’ve arranged To her psychiatric hospital. "

Of course, Su Lin is now a dangerous person and naturally cannot be treated like before. She can only stay in that country and city in the future. Unless he allows her, she cannot leave again.

Mu Xiaoxiao thinks of Su Lin's madness, but also has a bit of embarrassment.

At this time, her stomach murmured a few times.

She reached out and touched her belly, leaving other people's affairs behind, and said to Yin Shaoji, "I'm so hungry. Is there anything to eat?"

Looking at the time, I found that it was more than three o'clock in the middle of the night.

What else to eat at this time?

Yin Shaojie watched her wake up and recovered her memory, and the whole person also relaxed. At this time, she couldn't help feeling hungry.

But he didn't want to leave her.

After thinking about it, he asked her, "What do you want to eat? I'll make it."

"Make it?" Mu Xiaoxiao wondered, didn't he order?

Yin Shaojie smiled and said, "I ask the chefs at home to cook and let them bring them in. What do you want to eat?"

"Don't you have to worry so much?"

"No trouble, hurry up and say, what do you want to eat? I'm so hungry."

When Mu Xiaoxiao heard the word hungry, his stomach called again, so he had to say a few things he wanted to eat.

Yin Shaoji called the Yin family, and after hanging up, she got up and poured her a glass of water.

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