Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1058: Yin Shaojie, you are dead! (7)

She clenched her fists before she stood up and said in a voice, "I ... I told you I could, but you couldn't come to me."

"Yes," Yin Shaoji answered.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it. In fact, when she ran out, she didn't think much, so she didn't think about where to go.

"I ... may go to Qiqing's house. I'll tell you when I get there."

At this time, a car drove over because the onlookers of the accident blocked the road, so the driver honked.

I heard the sound of a horn from my phone.

Yin Shaoyan raised his eyes for a moment, and black eyes stared at a tree in front.

Step by step, he walked over with his long legs.

"Okay, are you getting on the car now? Be careful yourself, I'm afraid your head hurts again."

As he spoke, he approached the tree.

Finally, after walking to the tree, there was no small figure Mu.

Yin Shaoyan's eyes sank.

Did he guess wrong, she wasn't here at all?

Impossible, Yin Shaoyu has always been very confident in his judgment and intuition, and he cannot be wrong.

However, just across the road, Mu Xiaoxiao hid behind a tree. When she found Yin Shaojiong came over, she turned to the other side of the tree so that he couldn't see her.

Fortunately, she was witty, afraid he would find himself if his eyes were too sharp, so she walked across the road.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't even dare to poke his head out of the tree, fearing that he would find himself.

She said hurriedly, "I won't tell you anymore, I'm getting in the car."

When I was about to hang up, I heard Yin Shaojie shouting, "Wait! I have something to tell you."

Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated, but still reluctant to hang up and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Are you really angry?" Yin Shaoji asked.

Across the road, he looked around and continued to find where she might be hiding.

The passers-by found that he was a handsome guy, and his appearance was very attractive. Now he thinks he behaves strangely, so many people are watching him.

Two girls were bolder, approached him, and whispered, "Are you looking for anything?"

Yin Shaoji waited for Mu Xiaoxiao to answer, politely nodding at the two girls.

After the two girls confronted him, their eyes became even more foolish, and they stomped their feet in excitement.

"We can help. Would you like us to help you find it?"

Mu Xiaoxiao heard the girl's words from her mobile phone, and couldn't help but peep out her head from the back of the tree, and saw that there were two girls who were purely dressed. Looking at the school uniform, it should be the junior high school nearby.

She admitted with a sour tone, "I'm just angry, I'm so angry! Huh!"

Suddenly she couldn't tell which one she was angry with.

Is he angry that he lied to her during her amnesia, or that he is being talked to by girls now.

Yin Shaoxu rolled his eyes, and almost saw Mu Xiaoxiao's small head out of his head. Unfortunately, a car drove over and blocked it.

He blocked the phone and whispered to the two girls, "I'm looking for my girlfriend. She's angry with me. Can you help me?"

Although the two girls looked a little regretful, they nodded enthusiastically.

"Okay, what does your girlfriend look like?"

Yin Shaoyan's eyes glowed with tenderness and he said to them, "She is very beautiful and tall ... probably come to me, anyway, very beautiful, if you see what is beautiful, she is her."

"Okay, then we'll find it for you."

So the two girls scattered to find.

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