Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1059: Yin Shaojie, you are dead! (8)

Yin Shaojiu let go of his mobile phone, and to Mu Xiao's novel, "Can you tell me, what are you angry with? How can you get rid of it?"

"Don't you even know how angry I am?" Mu Xiaoxiao said depressed.

Yin Shaoji asked, "Are you mad at me? Did you lie to you when you lost your memory?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was silent there and didn't answer.

Yin Shaoxing sank down and suddenly realized that the reason for her anger seemed not so simple.

"Anything else?" He asked.

Mu Xiaoxiao was in a terrible mood all at once, and said in a dull voice, "I don't want to talk to you, can you stop asking me?"

Yin Shaoxin sighed and stopped pretending, and asked her bluntly, "You're right there, right? You know I ran out to find you, right? Where are you?"

The two girls looked around, no one was there, and came back to report to him.

Yin Shaojie thanked them for nodding their heads.

At this moment, one of the girls dragged the other girl and said, "Will it be opposite?"

Yin Shaoxu looked up and looked across the road, just noticed that a sweeper looked curiously behind a tree.

Obviously, that girl is hiding here, right?

He told Mu Xiao's novel, "It doesn't matter if you don't answer, I want to go to you now."

After that, he stepped forward.

The girl behind her shouted anxiously, "It's a red light now! There are so many cars, don't go there!"

Behind that tree, Mu Xiaoxiao heard this sentence, and with the sound of the traffic driving behind her, her heart tightened suddenly, and she finally couldn't hide, and ran out in fear.

Sure enough, I saw Yin Shaoxing walking towards this side, ignoring the car driving past.

"Be careful with your car! What are you doing!" Mu Xiaoxiao shouted to him anxiously, all worried about his face.

In particular, seeing the speed of many cars has not slowed down, the heart is more tense.

On several occasions, Yin Shaojiao passed by the body. If the driver did not turn in time, he might have hit him.

Yin Shaojie's expression was calm, a pair of dark eyes just stared at her, without even glancing at the traffic.

Mu Xiaoxiao was so annoyed by him that he yelled, "Yin Shaoxing, are you crazy? Do you know this is dangerous!"

Finally, Yin Shaojie came to her.

He is safe and sound.

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly turned red, and he scolded him angrily, "What the **** are you doing! What if you were hit by a car! You idiot, you! Is your head flooded?"

The more she talked and the more angry, she clenched her small fist against his strong chest.

Yin Shaoxing looked at her with no smile on his face. "What about you? You ran out without a word. Have you ever thought that I would be worried?"

Mu Xiaoxiao stayed.

Yin Shaojiu's chest was undulating, and her black eyes locked her small face and said, "You just saw a car accident, did you see it? Do you know if I thought it was you, what was my mood then?"

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't speak, biting her lower lip and looking away, but her eyes were also red.

"You can be angry, but I don't want to make you angry, but even if you're angry, you can't do that, can't you tell me well? If you're angry, you can hit me, you can also scold me, whatever Time to resist? "Yin Shaojie's voice softened a bit, not as hard as it was just now, even with a hint of lightness.

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