Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1083: I miss you so much (6)

At this time, Han Qiqing snapped his fingers and asked Yin Shao'ao, "Are you referring to Xiao Meng? Right, Xiao Meng doesn't seem to know about your memory loss, but you have recovered your memory now, so It ’s okay not to mention this? ”

Xiao Meng valued Xiao Xiao's friend so much. If she knew she had lost her memory, she would be worried too.

After hearing this, Mu Xiaoxiao reacted to this. "Yeah, what about Xiaomeng? I think, before my amnesia and the days of amnesia, it seems that Xiaomeng really did not see him. , Even the shadow of Ye Sijue did not.

What did these two people do in secret?

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Yin Shaoji and asked, "Do you know what? Let's talk!"

She was most afraid that someone would sell her.

She is an acute child and can't stand it.

Yin Shaoyi sighed and said, "Just when you lost memory, Xiao Meng ... was taken away by a man."

Before he finished speaking, Han Qiqing and Xiaoxiao cried at the same time.

"What! Xiao Meng was taken away by a man?"

"What? Xiao Meng was taken away by a man!"

Xiao Xiao looked at Yin Shaoyi with a surprised look, hugged his arm and shook. "What's going on? You can make it clear!"

Yin Shaoyi thinks about how to come.

"Yes, Xiao Meng called Sijue inexplicably and said he was leaving, and after hanging up, he couldn't get through anymore. Is it weird?"

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "It's a little weird ... why did Xiaomen suddenly leave, and you said that a man took her away, who is that man?"

If it was William, Yin Shaojie had seen him, so it was impossible to say that he was taken away by a man.

Therefore, this man is a man Yin Yin has not seen.

Yin Shaojiu frowned and said, "I don't know who the man is. He is a foreigner. I can't see his face on the monitor, but he should be an acquaintance if he interacts with Xiaomeng.

"An acquaintance ... who will it be?" Mu Xiaoxiao thought about his chin.

Han Qiqing thought of a terrible idea, exclaimed, "Will it be Xiaomeng's boyfriend in the United States? So Xiaomeng was forced to take it directly."

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "Xiao Meng has no boyfriend in the United States?"

She thought about it, and was a little uncertain.

After all, in the United States, girls like Xiaomeng already have many boyfriends.

Like Xiao Meng, it's strange that he hasn't been with a boy yet.

Han Qiqing said, "No matter! Anyway, we just made sure Xiao Meng returned to the United States, right? Xiao Xiao, you and Xiao Meng have known each other for so long, you should know her home address? Let's fly to the United States to visit Lu Yichen Then go and find Xiaomeng together! "

Inexplicably, it became a group mode.

But after thinking about it, I find it quite interesting.

So Mu Xiao nodded, "Well! I think it's interesting, eh, what do you say? Don't you hate Lu Yichen? And William also ... I don't think you should go anymore?"

What a joke!

Not to mention that she went to find Lu Yichen, and even if it wasn't, he wouldn't let the two girls go to places like the United States alone.

Yin Shao held her back and said, "I'm going!"

She dare to leave him and try!

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