Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1084: I miss you so much (7)

Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it, let's call William, maybe he will know a little news about Xiao Meng.

The phone rang for a while before the phone was connected.

There was William's vague, hoarse voice that sounded as if he hadn't woken up yet.

Mu Xiaoxiao wondered. Should it be almost noon in the US? Why is he still sleeping.

"William, it's me, little, are you convenient to speak now?" She asked.

"Little? What's the matter?" William's voice had a heavy nasal voice, and he turned back as if to whom he was talking, with a low voice.

Mu Xiaoxiao vaguely heard another male voice.

"Are you still in trouble? Don't come here, get out!"

William's voice seemed to be a little displeased, and the sound of a body collision came from the other side of the phone. People who didn't know thought it was a fight.

Mu Xiaoxiao almost immediately realized who he was with, coughed awkwardly, took the phone away a little, and didn't eavesdrop on the restricted conversation between the two.

Yin Shaojiu and Han Qiqing next to her looked puzzled at her move.

After a while, William seemed to have dealt with the situation over there, his voice was clear and clear, and he drank water to Mu Xiao's novel, "I'm OK, little, you say, what's the matter?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was also unambiguous, and opened the door directly to the mountain and asked him, "You should know about Annell's return? Did you send someone?"

Williamton paused and said bluntly, "I didn't send it, but I know a little about her return."

Mu Xiaoxiao was puzzled. "Who took her away? She went so hurriedly and didn't give us any time to say goodbye."

William said, "It should be Chris. Except for me, only Chris might take her home."

Mu Xiaoxiao asked suddenly, "Who is Chris?"

When did she seem to hear the name?

Did Annie mention it to her?

"He's Anne's fiance, don't you know?" William's voice smiled a little.

When Mu Xiaoxiao heard this, he stumbled for a while, and exclaimed, "What? Annie's fiance? Annie she ... when was she engaged? Why didn't I know? Why didn't you tell me? "

"It hasn't been formally engaged yet, but it's coming soon, just these few days, Xiaoxiao, would you like to come over?" William asked her, listening to his tone, and he should be satisfied with the prospective brother-in-law.

Mu Xiaoxiao has known him for so many years and knows how much he hurts Anne, this sister.

Now that he can give his sister to the man with such peace of mind, Chris is a very good person.

This made Mu Xiaoxiao squeeze a cold sweat for Ye Sijue.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it, and said to his head, "Well, I'm going."

William said, "Well, let me know as soon as you book your flight and I'll make arrangements."

"Well, see you then."

At this time, the voice of another man came from the other end of the cell phone, and the thick and low voice said arrogantly, "Okay, I'm not allowed to talk again."

Before Mu Xiaoxiao responded, the phone was hung up.

She was stunned for a while, staring blankly at her phone.

A question came to mind: Xiao Meng was about to get engaged, what would Si Jue do that night?


On the other side, the United States.

Ye Sijue wore a suit and a tie in his hand. As he was about to tie up, the doorbell rang.

He walked over to the door, glanced at the cat's eyes, and opened the door.

The person who walked in was Tian Yunxin.

She glanced around at the presidential suite, all stared at it, and it was a far cry from the suite she was arranged for.

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