Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1094: He is angry (3)

Aniel didn't want to meet Ye Sijue, because he didn't know how to face him, so he didn't want to go in for the time being.

So he told a very clumsy lie.

"I want to see the moon."

Chris couldn't help laughing, pointing his finger at the dark night sky and saying, "Dear, see for yourself."

Aniel looked up puzzledly, and found that there was a large dark cloud floating in the dark night sky, covering the moon tightly, let alone the moon, the stars were hard to see.

She couldn't help laughing, "Well, I can't see the moon, what should I do?"

Chris pointed to himself and said with a smile, "If you don't mind, there's a handsome guy here to make you look good."

Anil laughed at him, pushing him with a small hand.

"You? See it every day, no surprises."

Chris raised his eyebrows deliberately. "Did you not see me while you were in China? Don't you want me?"

Anel touched her chin, pretending to think very seriously, and then said suddenly, "Yeah, I really didn't miss you!"

"What did you say? I really didn't miss me? I'm so sad, thanks to the fact that I think about you every day, and I'm worried about whether you will be bullied in China and whether you won't be used to eating there Good food, you have no conscience, you don't want me at all. "

Chris looked overwhelmed, staring at her resentfully.

Anil coughed, changed her confession and said, "Actually, I think a little bit."

"Just a little?" Chris said still dissatisfied.

"Then ... a little more?" Anel gestured cutely with her fingers.

Chris said, "I want a little more, so much."

"You are so greedy!"

"I didn't want you to miss me all, it's not greedy anymore."

The two talked and laughed in the yard. I don't know how long the time passed.

At this point, Chris's phone rang.

He answered, and bowed his head and said, "We are here, right in the yard, um, pass now."

After hanging up, he said to Aniel, "Let's go in, Bull is looking for us."

Bull was the son of Duke Berg, the host of the banquet, and a friend of Chris.

Aniel was holding his hand into the banquet hall.

She looked around cautiously, but did not find the figure of Ye Sijue, thinking that he might have left and relaxed in her heart, but she felt a little dull again.

When he saw Buer, Buer got up, walked in front of her with a smile, took hold of her little hand, and a kiss fell gently on it.

"Little Princess Anne, how can I feel like I haven't seen you for a few months, and you seem to be more beautiful again, oh, I'm really jealous of Chris."

Chris laughed playfully. "I accept your jealousy."

He opened the chair and let Annel sit down.

Aniel smiled at them, didn't speak, and listened to jokes between them.

Chris beckoned a maid and brought her some desserts and juices, which she likes to eat.

After Burr teased, he said to Chris honestly, "I have a friend to introduce to you, the one I mentioned to you before, and he happened to be in the United States recently, so I invited him to a banquet."

Aniel was a little hungry and was looking down to eat tiramisu.

At this moment, a shadow stopped at the table.

A gaze hit her hotly, but she was unaware.

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