Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1095: He is angry (4)

Until then, Burr stood up and introduced with a smile, "Chris, let me introduce you, this is called Ye Sijue."

Hearing these three words, Annie shook her body, and her fork fell on the porcelain plate, making a crisp sound.

Her neck seemed to be stiff, and she raised her head stiffly, looking at the man standing in front of Bull.

At the same time, Bull introduced, "Night, this is Prince Chris, and the pretty little princess beside him is his fiancee, Anne."

Just after the final epilogue had fallen, Aniel slammed into a pair of deep blue eyes.

Ye Sijue stood in front of her.

Her face was cold and cold, and she looked at her frostily.

"Hello." Chris smiled, reached over and shook hands with Sir Sis.

Ye Sijue held hands with him, nodding politely, "Hello, Prince Chris."

Chris looked at Tian Yunxin next to him and laughed, "Mr. Ye, wouldn't you please introduce the girl around you? How can such a beautiful lady not let us know her name?"

Tian Yunxin has studied in the United States, knowing that the men here are speaking like this, it is only a courtesy, but in the face of this handsome and distinguished prince, there is something floating in his heart.

"I am ..." She was about to say that she was the secretary of Ye Sijue.

Who knows, Ye Sijue interrupted her, suddenly grabbed her waist, smiled and said, "She is my female companion, Miss Tian Yunxin."

This companion is like a girlfriend's meaning to others.

Tian Yunxin was a little bit confused, but more of a joy.

However, sensitive, she quickly noticed that Ye Sijue had something wrong.

Although Ye Shao is a man who is not pleased with herself, she is usually indifferent at best, rarely like this moment, she radiates an indescribable coldness, which makes her standing beside her feel a sense of Slightly cold breath.

Although Ye Sijue didn't look in one direction all the time, Tian Yunxin looked to Chris with his intuition, that is, the prince's fiancee.

When she first approached, she didn't dare to look around and kept the manners of restraint.

Therefore, at this moment, I really took a closer look at Anne's appearance.

Suddenly, Tian Yunxin opened his eyes in amazement, "You ..."

Isn't this prince's fiancee the woman Ye Shao brought to the company? !!

She wondered if she had read it wrong.

How could a young woman become the fiancee of Prince Chris?

It is really that Tian Yunxin's expression is too obvious. Burr picked up the corners of his mouth, glanced at the two of them, and asked with a smile, "Miss Tian, ​​have you seen our little Princess Anne?

"Little, little princess?" Tian Yunxin couldn't believe this little girl had such a noble identity? how is this possible!

Ye Sijue frowned when he heard this.

But it was because of the overly intimate words of "our home" in this sentence that he felt a slight discomfort in his heart, not because he knew of Anne's identity.

He had already anticipated Aniel's identity, so he was not surprised.

But he did not expect that the two would meet again in such a scene.

And she has a fiance by her side.

Ye Sijue's eyes were cold.

Fiance, she never told him about it.

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