Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1343: Mysterious Same Table (113)

Jun Zeye said he was fine.

The sniper approached him and whispered, "Who is this man? Strange, how did he get up? Where have all the policemen gone? Why can't we see any of them?"

Jun Zeye's cold face could not see what he was thinking, his eyes were deep, and he looked at the two of them.

"He came in alone." He was just guessing, but his tone was positive.

"What?" The sniper suspected that he had heard it wrong. "He came in alone? Impossible! Isn't there a lot of KO men below? Are all those men vegetarian?"

"I don't know." Jun Zeye apparently was too lazy to talk to him too much, and his eyes retreated from there, and he walked towards the security gate.

"Well! Wait for me!"

The sniper quickly followed.


Yin Shaojiu and Mu Xiaoxiao went down to the first floor and saw a lot of policemen dealing with the scene.

The other detainees were released, with expressions of lingering fear, and they hurried out, wanting to leave here as soon as possible.

Although the robbers were under control, there were still many bombs in the building to be demolished.

The Supreme Commander of this operation hurried over as soon as he saw Yin Shaoyan, his expression was incomprehensible and complex. He glanced at the injuries on his body and asked, "Shao Shao, are you all right? Need to take you to the hospital ?"

"I'm okay, don't need it," Yin Shaoji said, and his deep black eyes looked at the other side. "Thanks to the police's rescue this time, we can subdue these robbers and lift the crisis."

The Supreme Commander smiled wryly and understood what he meant.

"It should, it should, this is what we police should do."

"If it's okay, I'll go first."

Yin Shaojiu nodded politely at him, and he took Mu Xiaoxiao to the door.

The Supreme Commander said, "Sir, please walk slowly."

A policeman walked to the Supreme Commander, looked at Yin Shaojie's back, and said inexplicably, "Head, it's him who is the robber ..."

The Supreme Commander glanced at him, "What should I say, what should I not say, do I still need to teach you? Tell me everyone, no word should be leaked out! He just entered the building, everything No, the success of this operation is the credit of our police. Understand? "


the other side.

"Little ---"

When Mu Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaojiu were about to leave the building, they heard someone calling her by the back.

Immediately, a figure rushed to her and took her hand.

"You're fine, little one, really scared me!"

Mu Xiaoxiao's expression was a little embarrassed, and she looked at Han Qiqing in front of her a bit dullly, and then she remembered her.

"Qi Qing, are you okay?"

Han Qiqing flew up and hugged her. Her eyes were wet and she choked and said, "I'm worried about you, how could I be wrong, but you, was taken away by that person. Did he treat you? Did you blame me? No way to stop him, sorry little ... "

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and patted her head and said, "Are you stupid, what are you sorry, can you blame you? Okay, we'll be fine if both of us are fine."

"Well, we are all fine." Han Qiqing nodded with a smile.

The two hugged tightly and wearily.

"I'm going to kill both of you!"

A sharp voice suddenly sounded, destroying this beautiful atmosphere.

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