Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1344: Mysterious Table (114)

Zhang Shuyao was like a crazy woman, with messy clothes and red marks on her face, Zhang Ya rushed towards this side with dancing paws.

Yin Shaojiu kept Mu Xiaoxiao behind her, and looked at her coldly, "Who are you?"

"Who are you? You give me up! It's these two bitches. If it weren't for them, I would be given by that disgusting man ..." Zhang Shuyao bit her teeth resentfully, her lips flushed red, her eyes filled with anger "Why don't you save me? Why don't you save me!"

Originally Zhang Fu was taking a confession with the police. Seeing the situation, he hurried over.

He quickly pulled Zhang Shuyao, "Yao Yao! What are you doing!"

Zhang Shuyao was crying, full of resentment, "It's all they can't help ... wow, it's all them!"

Han Qiqing originally sympathized with her being defiled by the man, but when she saw her, she pushed her sins on others, only to find her even more ridiculous.

"You figured it out, you provoked him yourself!"

"It's you! You didn't save me! You obviously can save me! Why don't you save me? Why! It's all your fault!" Zhang Shuyao didn't listen at all and yelled, and the whole man went to beat them both out of control.

Han Qiqing was so angry, "How do you want us to save you? We have also been hijacked! What can we do?"

Do they want to save her regardless of their safety?

On what basis?

"I don't care! You're all right, I'm alone ... I don't care! It's your fault! Your fault! You can't help but die!" Zhang Shuyao was still lingering.

Yin Shaojiao frowned and probably understood what was happening.

He squinted at Father Zhang and said, "Take her away, don't let me say it again."

Father Zhang stunned and looked at him sternly, "Are you ... are you Master Yin?"

After recognizing Yin Shaojie, he was taken aback, and quickly pulled Zhang Shuyao, seeing that she was still slamming hard, and threw her a slap.


This slap was very hard, Zhang Shuyao's face was tilted aside, and it became quiet immediately.

"You idiot! What are you talking about! Don't hurry to apologize to Master Yin?"

"Yin ..." Zhang Shuyao heard the word, came back with a little sensibility, widened his eyes erratically, and looked at Yin Shaoyu, a boy with a handsome face, like a noble temperament.


Is it ... the Yin family of the four big families?

Zhang Shuya took a sigh of relief, her hands shaking, "You are ... Yin Shaoyu?"

At this time, she also noticed that Yin Shaoyao's hand was holding Mu Xiaoxiao, carefully guarding her in her arms.

"You ... you talk to her ..."

Father Zhang had been stopping Zhang Shuyao for fear that she might cause something wrong, so he just noticed Mu Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaoji's intimate behavior.

Han Qiqing held Zhang Shuyao with a smile, and said, "You want to ask, what is the relationship between them? Our little one is Yin Shao's dear girlfriend!"

The identity of the Mu family cannot be revealed, but ‘Yin Shao ’s girlfriend’ can always be said?

Zhang's father was shocked.

Zhang Shuyao also turned pale.

Mu Xiaoxiao yanked Yin Shao's clothes and whispered to him, "I want to go home."

Yin Shaojie looked at the exhaustion on her face distressedly, knowing that she was very tired and didn't want to stay here, so she didn't bother to care about Zhang's father and daughter anymore, and carried her away.

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