Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1382: Are you for her? (1)

"Then ... get it!" Mu Xiaoxiao shoved her forward.

"Why do you want me to go? You buy it, of course you go!" Han Qiqing stepped back and pushed her forward.

"Qi Qing, you should do me a favor!"

Mu Xiaoxiao is willing, the two were there to push each other.

Han Qiqing reminded her, "While no one is now, you go quickly, so as not to wait for someone to check out, it is even more embarrassing to go, do you want to buy it?"

Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated and stared at the counter over there.

Finally, when I made up my mind to go, the phone rang at this time.

At first glance, the electric display was Yin Shaojiu.

Mu Xiaoxiao blushed and pretended to be okay before answering the call.


"Why are you going out of the classroom and what to buy in the supermarket?" Yin Shaoji asked directly.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze, "How do you know I'm in the supermarket?"

Although he knew he had eyeliner in the classroom and it was normal to know she was out of the classroom, how did he know she was in the supermarket?

Yin Shaoji said, "I haven't been very safe recently, so I arranged for someone to follow you. What can you buy, can't you buy it at school? You have to go to a supermarket that far away."

Mu Xiaoxiao was afraid he would meet classmates in the supermarket near the school, so he went a little further.

Unexpectedly, Yin Shaojiu actually arranged to protect her behind her.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze. Fortunately, he just hesitated and didn't buy it for so long, otherwise he didn't know?

"Just buy anything, don't ask, I and Qiqing will go back now."

Yin Shaojie thought for a while, but he said uneasily, "You don't have to go to class. Come directly to the Student Union to find me. I don't know why, I always feel uneasy."

He had wanted to take her with her, but she was very abnormal today, insisting on going to the classroom. He had no choice but to worry about her safety and had to find someone to follow her.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want him to worry, he nodded and said, "Well, I'll just buy some snacks and pass."

Hanging up the phone, Han Qiqing stretched his head and asked, "Is it Shao Yin?"

"Well, we won't buy it, let's go back." Mu Xiaoxiao took her hand and went out.

"You don't buy it?"

"Don't buy it for the time being, and find another opportunity to buy it later." Mu Xiaoxiao realized for the first time that keeping secrets was such a painful thing.

She suddenly felt that she was asking for trouble.

Obviously this is her birthday, she should be the one who received the gift, and it should be that Yin Shaoyu worked hard to prepare her a surprise.

Why the other way around? Instead, she had to work so hard to surprise him.

This is also no one!

Han Qiqing was a little guilty and thought about it, "Otherwise, shall I buy it for you?"

She also felt embarrassed to ask her to buy condoms, but for the sake of smallness, she could cut it out once.

With that said, Han Qiqing was about to turn to the counter.

But Mu Xiaoxiao held her back, shook her head, and said, "It's really unnecessary, it doesn't matter, buy it later."

The two walked out of the supermarket and walked towards the school.

It is class time, so not many people are on the street.

Suddenly, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, there were almost no pedestrians on the street, and there were very few cars.

She thought for a while and pulled Han Qiqing to speed up the pace.

"Qiqing, let's go quickly."

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