Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1383: Are you for her? (2)

Not far away, a black business car drove out of the alley, then drove straight towards them.

Seeing this car is going to drive to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Suddenly, I don't know where an SUV came from, so I came face to face, and was directly in front of the business car.

The commercial vehicle was forced to stop, and the door opened suddenly. Several men with very vicious eyes came down and hurriedly ran towards Mu Xiaoxiao.

But in the next second, two people got on the SUV and confronted them.

It was just the intersection of the eyes, for the convenience of knowing that the two were not annoying, and angrily shouted 'Go', and the group got on the black business car, turned around and left.

On the SUV, Ning Ruyan sat in the driver's seat, put his hands on the steering wheel, and turned to confirm that the car had left. Then he turned to look at Jun Zeye next to him, with a seven-point doubt, and a three-pointer said sarcastically, "What are you doing? Be a messenger?"

Jun Zeye did not answer him, but just said lightly, "Follow up."

Ning Ruyan left his mouth and started the car, following Mu Xiaoxiao and Han Qiqing behind.

He shook his head and said to Jun Zeye in an incomprehensible manner, "I'm weird. Why do you suddenly want to come to school, you always don't like to come to school, it turns out that you came to school for her Ah? In the end, what does she have to do with you? Why do you protect her like this? "

Ning Ruyan had known him for so long, and it was the first time he saw such a puzzling behavior.

Secretly following a girl? How could such foolish behavior be done by Jun Zeye!

If their brothers were to see this scene, their jaws would fall to the ground.

Kimosawa shifted the topic and asked, "How about KO? Any news?"

Ning Ruyan knew that he didn't want to answer the question. It was a bit helpless, but in order to satisfy his curiosity, he had to force his brother to say what he didn't want to say.

"No, he really hides. No informant can give him any clues now. It seems difficult to dig him out."

As soon as Ning Ruyan answered, she suddenly thought of something.

He looked at Mu Xiaoxiao in front of his eyes, and there was a shimmer of light under his eyes.

"That's right! Can we be like this, isn't KO looking for Mu Xiaoxiao? Then we use Mu Xiaoxiao as a bait and lead KO out, we don't stop him from catching Mu Xiaoxiao and let him send someone Caught, if we just follow it secretly, can't we find KO? "

Ning Ruyan thought his idea was great.

However, Jun Zeye categorically rejected.


Ning Ru couldn't understand, "Why? Didn't you really want to catch KO? You forgot? Your purpose of coming to City A is for KO! If you miss this opportunity, he absconds and leaves City A. , After leaving China, it will be difficult for you to catch him in the future! Have you ever thought about this? "

How could Jun Zeye not think of it.


He vetoed again, "anyhow."

Ning Ruyan had to continue to persuade him, "I know you are worried about Mu Xiaoxiao's safety, but we can protect her, no big deal, I ask my brothers to help, you are also very clear about their capabilities, and will do everything they can to protect them she was."

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