Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1384: Are you for her? (3)

He cannot guarantee 100% safety, but at least 90%.

However, Jun Zeye still did not agree.

"do not talk."

Ning Ruyan frowned at him, "Zeye, why?"

Ahead, Mu Xiaoxiao and Han Qiqing have entered the Suntech College safely.

Jun Zeye looked away and said to him, "I don't want her to be hurt."

Having said that, he pulled the door and got out of the car.

Ning Ruyan parked the car aside and got out of the car.

"Do you know Mu Muxiao before? Do you ..."

This time, Jun Zeye looked directly at him and said, "I don't want to say, don't ask again."

Ning Ruyan sighed helplessly and raised his hands to surrender, "Okay, don't ask if you don't ask, so if you want me to help, you just speak."

"You go." Jun Zeye said to him in three words, and walked towards the school gate.

Ning Ru stunned, followed immediately, with an injured expression on his face, said, "You are too ruthless, are you driving me away?"

"No one called you again."

"I'm a good brother. I'm afraid you won't adapt to the new school, so I came to see you specially. Let's go and show me your school."

I've heard that Suntech College is the best aristocratic college. If he hadn't been to Emperor Capital, he would probably have read here.

Jun Zeye couldn't beat him, so he had to follow him, and the two entered the school together.

The guard was going to stop subconsciously, but when he saw Ning Ruyan's temperament, and he and Jun Zeye walked together, he let it go silently.

the other side.

Mu Xiaoxiao and Han Qiqing, who have just entered Shangde, are hiding behind a building.

"Look! Let me just say, someone seems to be following us." Han Qiqing pointed to Jun Zeye and said with a proud tone.

"But how could it be him?" Han Qiqing was puzzled.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Jun Zeye, but felt that there was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He ... really protecting her silently?

How could it be so coincident that she was out of school and he followed.

Mu Xiaoxiao dragged Han Qiqing and said, "It should not be, leave it alone, let's go back to the student union."

Han Qiqing was dragged by her to go there, but she looked doubtful and turned back frequently.

"I think the man next to him is a bit familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere ..."

Suddenly, a footstep.

"I remember it! He's that surnamed Ning!"

"Who?" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't hold back curiosity.

Han Qiqing pulled her back, secretly poked out a head, pointed at Ning Ruyan, "It's him! But it's strange, why is he here?"

"Who is he?" Mu Xiaoxiao questioned.

Han Qiqing hummed twice and said, "He, it is Shi Jun's deadly opponent! I heard Shi Jun mentioned him before, and met him once in the distance, but a long time ago."

I didn't expect her memory to be so good, but she still had an impression.

"Shi Jun's opponent?" Mu Xiaoxiao wondered, "Who is he?"

Han Qiqing came to her ears, like a big secret, and whispered, "He, it is ... the governor's son!"

Mu Xiaoxiao froze, "Really?"

If it is true, how could Junzano be with this person?

Han Qiqing said seriously, "Of course it is true! Shi Jun told me several times that this person is a fake person, not a good person! I also look at it now, his appearance looks very gentle. People who do n’t know will think he is Good people, but such people are the worst villains in TV series! The worst! "

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