Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1506: Check her mobile phone (1)

In the dimness, there was only Yinhui falling in the moonlight.

The smoke lingered around Feng Shengyang's fingertips, and across the mist, his eyes narrowed, and Xie Jun's face looked fatal.

"Holy, holy brother ..." Sun Xunwen seemed to be seduced by something and leaned towards him.

Feng Shengyang gave her a cold glance, and suddenly reached out to her, "Give me."

"What?" Sun Jiuwen paused, looked at his hand stupidly, his heartbeat accelerated, and thought he was inviting himself, and put his little hand up.

Feng Shengyang patted her hand. There was no temperature in her voice, and she said impatiently, "I want you to give me your phone."

Sun Yiwen felt a little embarrassed on his face, but he still found out his mobile phone and held it in his hands.

At this moment, he is her male god, and he wants to do whatever she wants.

Feng Shengyang took a fierce puff of smoke, and the smoke swallowed from his **** lips, which was irresistibly charming.

His expression was cold, and when he took the phone, he stopped looking at her.

Sun Yanwen could not stand the charm of that male charm, and kept looking at him.

It is said that men are not bad, women do not love.

Feng Shengyang is such a typical bad man.

He can speak the sweet words that please you, but he can turn away and ignore you. When you think he is attentive to you, he can pull away at any time. He controls your emotions in the palm of his hands. You can't forget him if you want to forget it.

Sun Ming civilization knew that this man could not love, and she could only break into pieces, but at this moment, she was bewildered by him, and her heart was unable to extricate herself.

At this moment, Feng Shengyang exudes a sense of coldness and depression.

Feng Shengyang leaned against the guardrail, facing the dark part of the valley, and his beautiful fingers were holding the number, as if that number was already in his memory.

Sun Yanwen watched him put the phone to his ear, his eyes were slightly heavier, but she looked so fascinated by this look.

Music sounded from the phone.

After dialing the phone, Feng Shengyang subconsciously held his breath.

He is waiting for the other party to answer.

But he was also worried about whether the other party would answer.

What if she guessed it was him and refused to answer ...

When I was thinking, the phone was connected.

"Hey." Her crisp, sweet voice came from her ears, just such a word, as if the gloom and darkness in front of her were blown away.

Feng Shengyang didn't realize that the corners of his mouth were gently raised.

He didn't speak.

"Hey, who is it?" She asked.

Feng Shengyang's deep eyes looked at the dark mountains in the distance. After taking a deep puff of cigarette, he threw the cigarette **** to the ground and crushed it with his shoes.

"Is it neurotic? Call and don't talk, I'll hang up without saying goodbye!"

The other person was obviously not that patient.

Feng Shengyang narrowed his eyes as if he could imagine what Mu Xiaoxiao looked like at the moment.

In fact, he couldn't decide whether he wanted to speak out.

If she knew it was him, would she hang up immediately?

He didn't know how he wanted to make her call impulsively, and what could he do? Explain to her and ask her to forgive him?

Do not.

Feng Shengyang shook his head. He is a man with strong self-esteem. Even if he did wrong, he would not ask others for forgiveness.

He might just ... simply want to hear her.

Just an impulse in the moment.

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