Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1507: Check her mobile phone (2)

Knowing that Mu Xiaoxiao would hang up, Feng Shengyang finally couldn't bear to speak out.

"it's me……"

His voice was very light and heavy, and with the whistling wind, there was a kind of squeamishness.

On the cell phone, Mu Xiaoxiao paused.

Both sides were silent at the same time.

Feng Shengyang didn't know if she guessed it was herself. She thought she knew him and would hang up immediately, but she didn't. Should he be happy?

At least, the resentment against him in her heart did not reach that level.

The next second, I heard Mu Xiaoxiao crying, "Feng Shengyang? It's you? Why are you calling me? Are you drunk? It doesn't sound like you, it's you who let heaven Isn't Qi lying to me? "

Feng Shengyang had a meal, she did not expect that she would think of these.

Is he so bad in her heart?

Feng Shengyang's eyes sank.

"I do not have."

"Nothing? Forget it, I don't want to know, if you have nothing to say, then I'll hang up, goodbye." Mu Xiaoxiao's voice sounded cold.

"Wait." He hurried to keep her.

"What the **** do you want to say? Could you finish it all at once?"

Feng Shengyang was silent. In fact, he didn't think about what he was going to say to her. He didn't think about anything, but at the moment, he suddenly wanted to call her.

After a few seconds of pause, he said, "Do you know where I am?"

"I don't know, I don't want to know." Mu Xiaoxiao gave no face at all.

Feng Shengyang listened to the sound of the wind in the mountains. There was something inexplicable on his mind. He couldn't figure out what it was, but he felt a little irritable.

"Are you still angry? Even if I didn't mean it, would you like to talk to me like that in the future?"

He was a little dissatisfied, thinking about the way she used to talk to herself, although not as good as Yin Shaoyu, but also very cute.

But now she seemed to be more impatient with his tone.

This made him very dissatisfied, but helpless.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused. He just flashed in his tone ... a feeling of grievance, she thought, she must have heard it wrong.

"You know I'm still angry, why do you call me? I don't want to talk to you now," she said bluntly.

Feng Shengyang exhaled, "Well, you don't want to talk to me, so I won't bother you, will you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

How does this tone sound like an aggrieved critter?

"That's hanging," she said.

"Well, good night," he said, as if it was just a daily epilogue after a call.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused and hung up.

Feng Shengyang held the phone, looked at it for a few seconds, and deleted the call history before returning the phone to Sun Yiwen.

Sun Yiwen's eyes were very unpleasant, and he asked him in a pantoic tone, "St. Young ... who did you just call to? Why ..."

Why is it such a tone to talk to that person?

This made her feel that he seemed to care about the person on the phone ...

She looked at it. He also deleted the call log. Did he not want her to know who he called?

Feng Shengyang didn't answer her words. She lit another cigarette, the smoke was lingering, and the wind in the mountains was blowing on her face, with a slight tingling pain.

After smoking, he extinguished the cigarette **** and headed for the sports car.

Sun Yanwen hurried to keep up, as if worried that he would throw himself here.

She always felt that he could do it.

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