Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1540: One lie after another (11)

Hum, it must be his leg length!

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at his long legs enviously, his short legs speeding up, catching up, rushing over and holding his arm.

This time it was the little sheep who fell on the wolf.

"Why are you going so fast? I'm so tired of chasing after it." Mu Xiaoxiao panted, and gently complained.

The limousine was parked in front of them, and the driver came around to open the door for them.

"Master, miss."

Yin Shaojie did not respond to her words, and stooped into the car.

Mu Xiaoxiao also hurried in.

The driver was unknown, so he froze for a while, then returned to his senses, closed the door, and walked back to the driver's seat.

"Master, will you go to school?" The driver asked, looking at the two behind him from the rearview mirror with doubtful eyes.

"Um." Yin Shaoji answered.

The driver did not dare to look at it, retracted his eyes and started the car.

The luxurious black Bentley drove out of Yin's house.

On the car, unlike the past, it was a bit quiet, and it could even be said that the atmosphere was a bit tricky.

The driver worked hard to hold his curiosity and did not look back.

Knowing the personality of his young master, he did not dare to gossip, although gossip is an instinct deep inside everyone.

It's really inhumane to suppress instinct.

The driver sighed and concentrated on driving.

In the car, Mu Xiaoxiao was yelling at Yin Shaojiu, wasn't he just fine? Why did you get angry again?

He's so hard to coax today.

However, Mu Xiaoxiao is not discouraged.

Secretly clenched his small fists and cheered himself up.

She sat obediently at first, not speaking, pretending to aim him at Yu Guang inadvertently.

After a few minutes, she couldn't hold back any longer, and keeping her ladylike look really did not fit her style!

"Hey, Yin Shaoyu." She called him out loud, her face narrowed to his shoulder, and her little hand clasped his arm. He could feel the strong muscles under the cloth, and the male power was hidden.

This way, he feels very secure.

She usually felt safe with her, but she never thought of what it was.

Of course, in addition to his great body and skill, there is another aspect, which is the familiarity of the two, her understanding of him, and what he thinks of her.

He is also a human, and it is normal to be angry. When they were young, the two of them quarreled a lot, and at the most, they had a cold war for a week.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it carefully, and forgot a little who had taken the initiative to reconcile that time.

However, it does not matter, both of them have taken the initiative and had a better time.

So she also knows how to coax him.

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at the driver in front and reached down and pushed down the middle partition.

Seeing this, Yin Shao gave her a sideways glance, as if asking what she wanted to do.

Mu Xiaoxiao's lips smiled. The next second she was completely covered by the clapboard, she put his hands on his shoulders, held them up, and then stretched her slender legs to sit on his thigh.

Or face to face.

"Yin Shaojie ~" she said with a delicate voice, her fingers circled around his chest, and this time she asked directly, "Are you angry? Because what happened last night?"

"No," Yin Shaoji answered.

Of course Mu Xiaoxiao didn't believe it. He felt angry because she escaped from the bathroom last night and did not satisfy his desire.

When a man is dissatisfied ... Hey, it's normal to have a little temper.

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