Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1541: One lie after another (12)

She had determined this reason in her heart.

Mu Xiaoxiao's smile was sweet and his eyes were gazing at him with affection. "I know you're angry, sorry, I shouldn't be like that last night ... but you can rest assured, you can soon ..."

Ouch! I really want to tell the surprise prepared for him!

Mu Xiaoxiao was originally a person who couldn't hide the secret. She kept talking about it and couldn't say that it was really hard work.

But as long as she thinks, when she sees the surprise she prepared for him on the night of her birthday, how surprised and surprised his expression will be, she can only grit her teeth and swallow the words that are about to blurt out. Go back.

"What?" Yin Shaoyin asked, seeing that she hadn't finished her words, and was still talking.

Mu Xiaoxiao was afraid that he would pay attention to this, and hurried back to the topic, "Don't you be unhappy, wait a few days ... I will compensate you again, OK?"

Her hands were against his chest, and under his palm was his strong heartbeat. This frequency has become her favorite voice.

Yin Shaoxing hummed, the expression seemed to be questioning, do you think I would believe it?

Mu Xiaoxiao groaned, his pink lips nibbled, and the little hand that was resting on his chest slipped down and landed on his belly.

Through the fabric, he can feel his muscled abs, clear-cut.

This feels really good.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but think back, without the cloth, her hand touched his abs without any hindrance, it felt really ...

"That's it?" Yin Shaoxu twitched his lips, as if ridiculing.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused, a little embarrassed.

Here is the car ...

Although the car glass is specially made, the inside can not be clearly seen from the outside, but the inside can see the outside clearly, and it is now daylight, unlike the night, which gives a hidden illusion.

Seeing that she didn't move, Yin Shaojiu looked uninterested. On one side of Jun's face, he said indifferently, "You're heavy, come down."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

If she wants to come down, she has to come down, why bother to say that she is heavy, this guy is really abominable and intentional.

Biting her lip, she looked a little worried, her dark and bright eyes narrowed at him, two small hands around his neck, and her small mouth stuck up.

Just about to kiss him, who knows, his head was off.

Mu small movements froze.

Doesn't he let her kiss him?

She burst into anger, and he wouldn't let her kiss, she just wanted to kiss.

This time, the Overlord simply hooked up, holding his handsome face firmly, and pressed his small mouth quickly.

Finally kissed.

When Mu Xiaoxiao was proud, he heard him pouring cold water on her.


Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes opened. What, he meant that her kiss was boring?

Damn it!

How could he say that!

Mu Xiaoxiao is a person who refuses to admit defeat, especially now that she wants to coax him, of course, to satisfy him.

She said her kiss was boring?

OK, then I'll give you a fiery French style ****** While thinking about the scene where he was kissed by him before, she learns how he looks, and wants to pry open his mouth and get in.

But her tongue was pushed up and she couldn't pry open!

This is a bit awkward ...

How did he do it?

Yin Shaojie!

She used a small fist to pinch his chest.

Open your mouth quickly for me!

Yin Shaoji has provocations in his eyes, as if to say, I don't, what can you do?

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes rolled around, and he suddenly glanced down ...

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