Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1554: One lie after another (25)

"Just returned to City A."

Looking at these words, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it, and blinked a few times before confirming that he had read it correctly.

"Why did you suddenly return to City A?"

He was somewhere else last night, didn't he sleep? Went back to City A early in the morning.

Jun Zeye did not answer her question, but asked again, "Where do you want to go?"

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at these four words and lingered for ten seconds.

She said, "Your body hasn't recovered yet. People who are running around are going to rest. I ... don't go out. It's class time now. I'll be in school. Don't worry about me."

She didn't want to make Kanzawa too hard.

It's still so early, he just returned to City A, so there must be no rest last night.

Jun Zeye replied, "Well, if you have a problem, just look for me."

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled in the past.

——Okay, rest assured, I won't be kind to you.

She urged him to rest and stopped replying.

Putting down the phone, Mu Xiaoxiao supported her chin with her hand and looked at the blue sky outside.

Although she was very unsuccessful today, the weather today was very good. The blue sky was washed, the clouds were white, and she looked very comfortable.

At least, the weather is good, isn't that a good thing?

Maybe it's because I talked with Jun Zeye, and her mood became much better.

She didn't plan to go back to the classroom. I thought I'd wait for Yin Shaoyi here. If he comes and sees that she's waiting for him, he has waited for a long time. Maybe he will soften her?

It's a good idea to think about it.

So happily decided!

In the Student Union building, there is a small seating area on almost every floor.

Mu Xiaoxiao wondered if he should sit there and wait, otherwise there would be no chair here and it would be very tiring to stand still.

Moreover, I don't know when Yin Shaoxing will come to the Student Union.

But think about it, if he came suddenly and saw that she was sitting in a chair and waiting, the effect was not very good.

Of course, it would be better to wait at the door of his office, and he would be softer.

After making the decision, Mu Xiaoxiao walked over to the door and squatted.

Ten minutes passed and my feet were a little sore.

Just sat down.

It's boring. I'm holding my phone and playing, killing time.

Ding Ding Ding——

The bell is ringing after class.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up sharply, a smile on his face.

After class, Yin Shaojiu might come to the student union, Qi Qing should also see her message.

She put away her cellphone, stopped playing, and began to pretend to be very tired. She supported her chin with her hands on her thighs, her eyes gloomy.

This look should be easy to soften?

Yin Shaojie, Yin Shaojie, come here quickly!

She waited for him to appear.

Wait forever

Ten minutes passed.

Ding Ding Ding——

This is the bell for class.

Mu Xiaoxiao took a nap and stared disappointedly at the entrance of the stairs.

Isn't he coming?

What's going on today? The whole student union doesn't see a single person. Even during class hours, one or two people can be seen.

Today is really weird.

Mu Xiaoxiao has a weird suspicion that he won't fall asleep, is he dreaming? Or inexplicably came to the strange mirror world?

I waited for another ten minutes, and I was a little bored.

She took out her mobile phone, bit her pink lower lip, stared at the screen for a while, hesitated, and then sent a text message to Yin Shaoji.

--what are you doing?

Waited a few minutes without a reply.

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