Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1555: One lie after another (26)

Mu Xiaoxiao sobbed twice, this bastard! Not even her message! How could this be!

Finally, she couldn't bear it.

Waiting is one of her most annoying things!

Not waiting!

She's going over to Senior Two to see what's going on.

He got up stupidly, but because he was too fierce, his head was a little dizzy, and his feet were crooked, his body was crooked, and his head was on the door handle.

"Woo ... it hurts!" Poor voice.

Rubbing the painful place, Mu Xiao's small faces were wrinkled together, and a strong feeling of grievance came to his face.

Whoops, why is it so bad today!

It seems that everything except Jun Zeye is against her.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly regretted it.

Shouldn't he just refuse Jun Zeye just now?

Should go out to find him, and let him accompany himself to the beauty boss to get clothes.

However, I always feel like going with Junzano to get that kind of clothes ... It seems a little weird!

And if Jun Zeye knew she had ordered this kind of clothes, would he look at her with strange eyes?

So this is why she refused Jun Zeye and did not let him accompany him.

Of course, another reason is that Yin Shaojie is getting angry with her. If she ran out to meet other boys, wouldn't he be more angry?

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to add fuel to the fire.

Yin Shaojie is a jealous jar and a jerk.

After the little head was rubbed, Mu Xiaoxiao stood up straight and went up the stairs.

But out of the gate, walking on the slab road, she actually hit the edge of the slab, causing her feet to be sinned.

"Woohoo ... it hurts!" Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were sore with tears, and the expression on that little face required more and more grievances.

Whoops, is that really bad luck!

God, why are you doing this to me?

What am I doing wrong?

Mu Xiaoxiao waited for the pain in her feet to fade, and continued to walk to the second high school building.

The more God obstructs her, the more she has to stick to it!

She will not be defeated!

From a distance, I saw a security patrol car.

After all, she was truancy, so she hid away.

After thinking about it, I still don't walk along the road. Take the road and cross the road to the second grade teaching building, but it is faster.

Walking into the path, there were other trees on both sides of Bauhinia and other trees. In winter, the petals of Bauhinia fell a lot, and the leaves on the branches were very few.

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao is in a desperate mood, and feels that he is sympathetic to this bauhinia tree.

Halfway through, I suddenly felt a small thing fell to my hair.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze.

She felt ... something on her head ... as if ... moving ...

Wouldn't it be a bug?

She was most afraid of bugs, and suddenly goose bumps were all over her body.

Regardless, he shook his head madly and shook his head down.

She didn't dare to confirm whether it was a bug or not. She walked forward, reached out, and touched the top of her head.

"Not a bug, not a bug, definitely not a bug ..."

Meditating all the way, as if to hypnotize myself.

It's just that the goosebumps on his body haven't gone away.

Finally crossed the path, Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to cry.

Why is it so bad! why!

It wasn't the first time she had walked this path, so many times, why did she encounter such a bad thing today?

Mu Xiaoxiao feels tired ...

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