Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1556: One lie after another (27)

It can be described as a difficult journey, and finally arrived at the second grade teaching building.

Strangely, today's sophomore teaching building is quiet ... a little weird.

Mu Xiaoxiao approached, only to find that there was no voice from the teacher.

No wonder it always feels so quiet, too quiet.

Isn't there any activity for High School 2 today, not in the classroom?

Did she run for nothing?

Thinking of the difficulty of this journey, Mu Xiaoxiao wiped a bitter tears.

She is going to see how much she can be unlucky today!

Continue to approach, seeing the scene in the classroom, the students are all in the same posture, the teacher is also, sitting on the podium, looking at the students below without doing anything.

It turned out to be an exam!

Mu Xiaoxiao finally knew the answer.

No wonder Qi Qing did not reply to her WeChat, no wonder Yin Shaozhen did not reply to her text message.

During the exam, they may all mute their phones.

But ... Mu Xiaoxiao groaned. With Yin Shao's personality, he should not be muted. He must have seen her message, but he did not reply intentionally.

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, feeling that he was going to coax Yin Shaojie this time, as if it would be a bit difficult.

It's harder than hitting her head and kicking her feet and bugs.

She didn't bother to know that he was taking the exam.

But she wanted to see him again.

Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated for half a second, then went to the stairs, fearing that it would affect the people who took the exams in the classroom, and stooped over.

Going upstairs, I arrived at the entrance of S2 class.

She hid quietly behind the back door, stuck out a small head, only exposed her eyes, pretending that she was invisible, and found the place where Yin Shaojie sat.

he is.

Mu Xiaoxiao just looked at his back and couldn't help smiling.

It seems that he is seriously writing the test paper.

She would like to see his face right now. Will she encounter a difficult problem and frown?

He had previously boasted about how powerful he was.

However, she asked Qi Qing later, Qi Qing said that Yin Shaojie's test score was medium and not very high.

This liar!

She always pretends to be a school bully in front of her.

Mu Xiao Thief secretly laughed, and immediately attracted the profile of the boy sitting at the back door.

No, it was found!

She quickly hid back.

The teacher sitting on the podium found the strangeness and felt that the boys in the back row were a little weird.

Mu Xiaoxiao hurried to the stairs to hide.

Da da da……

In the quiet corridor, there was the sound of footsteps approaching, which was particularly clear and audible, as if coming towards her.

Mu Xiaoxiao has a feeling that he seems to be making a movie, fearing that the bad guy will find his nervousness.

Fortunately, the teacher did not come over and walked back to the classroom.

She patted her frightened little heart, relieved.

Forget it, don't bother him with the exam. When he finishes the exam, she will come to him again.

Mu Xiaoxiao went downstairs, and walked out shortly as he came in.

It is an empty campus.

In the distance, the sound of someone taking a physical education class on the playground can be heard.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little at a loss, and felt that he had nowhere to go.

so boring……

It turned out that when I was alone, I was so boring and so lonely.

I miss the feeling that everyone is around, so lively, so happy, even if I just stay together for a meal, I can laugh a lot.

She walked to the Student Union Building again, and planned to continue to wait for Yin Shaoyu at the entrance of the office.

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