Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1567: One lie after another (38)

Mu Xiaoxiao wrinkled her face in a grievance. He didn't answer her phone and just hung up? How could he do that! Really too much!

Come to think of it, and the more you think about it, the more you know where he is now.

No, she has to fight again.

Mu Xiaoxiao's temper was picked up, and she vowed to make the call.

So dial in.

"The call you dialed is off, please play it later ..." A female voice sounded in my ear.

Mu Xiaoxiao stumbled, looking at the phone, "turned off?"

Damn, he turned off!

She was so angry that she couldn't get through, even if she was hung up. He just shut down in order not to answer her call?

How could he do that!

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao just felt wronged and died.

No matter how angry he was, he couldn't treat her like that!

It's too much, it's too much!

Mu Xiaoxiao was also angry now. Although she knew that she was wrong, she didn't feel that she had reached the point of wickedness, and she had been trying to coax him since the morning.

The more I thought about it, the more my eyes became wet.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, a WeChat reminder.

Mu Xiaoxiao was out of mood, but he clicked in and saw that it was sent to her by Qi Qing.

——Xiaoxiao, don't worry about it, Yin Shaoyu secretly arranged someone to protect you, indicating that he still cares about you, you guys, make up quickly.

Secretly arranged to protect her?

Mu Xiaoxiao asked: Really? Who told you that?

Han Qiqing replied: Really, Shi Jun just told me.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the conversation and groaned for a while.

——Okay, I know, rest assured, we will make up soon.

— That's good, I'm in class.

——Well, have a good class.

Mu Xiaoxiao put down her cell phone, and the ancient spirit's head was turning, and her eyes were cunning.

She suddenly pushed away the chair and stood up, looking around.

Someone secretly protected her?

But she didn't find anyone. Is that person hiding?

Mu Xiaoxiao knew that someone could do this. When in the United States, she had seen William's bodyguard, suddenly popping up from all around, and then avoiding it, it was impossible to find.

She touched her chin and narrowed her eyes.

However, she wanted to confirm if someone was really following her.

After thinking about it, she called Jun Zeye.

After a few beeps, Jun Zeye switched on, and it was still that thick magnetic voice, which was particularly nice.

"Hey, Azerbaijan! Didn't you say that you should find someone to protect me secretly? I want to ask, if there is such a person hiding near me, can you find out?"


"Then please help me, please." Mu Xiaoxiao told him the original, saying that it was Yin Shaojiu who arranged for her, she wanted to confirm whether it was, but fortunately, Jun Zeye did not ask her why.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Xiaoxiao left the office and walked to the school gate.

With Mu Xiaoxiao's fame at school now, the guards are also familiar with her. When she saw her going out, she didn't stop, as if she didn't see it.

Mu Xiaoxiao stood at the door, pretending to look around.

At this time, her mobile phone rang a WeChat prompt, opened it, and was sent by Jun Zeye, with only one word: yes.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled with satisfaction.

It turned out that when Jun Zeye promised her last night to arrange for someone to protect her secretly, that person had arrived at her this morning, but she didn't notice it.

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