Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1568: One lie after another (39)

When she first asked Jun Zeye, Jun Zeye quickly let that person investigate, so it was only so soon that there was news.

Mu Xiaoxiao saw a taxi, reached out to stop the taxi, and sat up.

"Drive, just drive."

The driver heard a word, probably the first time he heard such a situation, and asked, "Go anywhere? Classmate, where are you going?"

Mu Xiaoxiao waved his hand and said, "You just drive in one direction. I think I'll tell you when I get down."

"Oh." The driver started without asking much.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked behind him, thinking about the two secretly protecting her, how would they keep up?

While thinking about it, I suddenly thought of something.

She stayed.

If Jun Zeye arranged to protect her, if she was there in the morning, then all the bad things she had encountered in the morning ... wouldn't all of them see it? Has he already told Jun Zeye?

Mu Xiaoxiao stunned, so oh!


The next second Mu Xiaoxiao stepped out of the school gate.

Yin Shaoyu somewhere, just received the news as soon as the mobile phone was charged.

——Ms. Mu left the school.

Yin Shao frowned, why is this girl so disobedient? Running around again.

He sent a message back: follow along.


The car was driving all the time, Mu Xiaoxiao propped his chin with his palm and looked out.

Seeing something, she suddenly shouted, "Stop! Driver, just stop here."

The driver did so and parked the car on the side of the road.

Mu Xiaoxiao gave money, got out of the car, and went to the mall in front.

Although it is the morning, but this is the university area nearby, so there will be more people, watching it lively.

She walked into a hot pot restaurant, which was hot on the Internet.

It happens that when she was in the United States, she often saw news about this hot pot on the Internet. She had long wanted to try it once.

Of course, it's not that the hot pot in this restaurant is delicious, but the service in this restaurant is simply a model.

As for why she eats hot pot?

Uh ... I just haven't figured out where to go yet. I just came in and saw it.

Mu Xiaoxiao plans to do whatever he wants today.

Hum, she must find a way to lead Yin Shaoyu out!

So eat something first, and then you'll have enough energy to think about it.

Mu Xiaoxiao sat down in a corner and ordered something.

The waiter saw that she was alone, and asked if she would hold a doll to eat with her.

Mu Xiaoxiaogang nodded, his head suddenly turned, and he smiled and asked, "Are there any handsome guys I can accompany?"

The waiter stunned and laughed. "Sorry, no."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked a little disappointed. "Well then, just doll."

"Then wait a moment." The waiter left.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly had an idea. She should find a handsome guy to accompany herself. With the jealousy of Yin Shaozhen, she should come to her?

This idea seems good!

When the waiter came back, a doll more than one meter high was placed on the opposite side of her.

At first glance, Mu Xiaoxiao thought of a better idea.

If she went to the duck shop and found a male publicist to accompany herself, she wouldn't believe Yin Shaojie would not show up.


Mu Xiaoxiao held his chin and was worried.

Don't say she doesn't know where the duck shop is. Even if she knew it, it's still early in the morning, and the duck shop should not open.

The duck shop should be open at night like the bar, right?

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