Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1731: I won't like others anymore (2)

Lu Qianlan looked at him carefully, and could not help thinking of his childhood.

I don't know when it started, her son became like this little adult.

Obviously just a young man, he is already a mature and reliable man.

Lu Qianlan thought that when he was young, other children ran after me after school, laughing and joking all the way, innocent, but he just glanced at those children of the same age, carrying his schoolbag, quietly Go home.

When he gets home, without her urging, he will also do his homework and help with housework.

Lu Qianlan sometimes feels owed to his son.

He should have been a happy and worry-free childhood, but he did not enjoy it.

This time, because of his illness, he carried a debt at a young age.

Lu Qianlan was thinking and thinking, his heart was heavy.

"Yichen, Xiaoxiao ... haven't contacted you recently?"

Lu Yichen groaned and said, "She is also busy with her business, but just called, I told her about you, and she asked me to greet you so that you can heal well and get better soon."

Lu Qianlan was relieved, took a bite of food, chewed and sighed, "Little is such a good girl. She is willing to lend us so much money, it is her kindness, kindness, but ... this kindness is too great Then, with our family's economy, I don't know when I can pay this money ... "

Not thousands or tens of thousands, but millions.

Thinking of this money, Lu Qianlan's heart was extremely heavy.

After all, no one likes to owe others.

And Chen was only a senior in high school. Although it is not difficult to get a first-class university with his grades, no one can guarantee that after graduating from university, he can find good jobs and earn much money.

Lu Qianlan was very distressed about his son. He had not given him a happy and worry-free childhood. Now he still wants to bear such a huge debt at a young age, and it is very stressful to come to him.

Lu Qianlan was thinking, his eyes were wet.

"Mom." Lu Yichen called softly, and of course he knew what his mother was thinking.

He seemed to smile easily and said, "Even the little ones believe that I can earn money in the future, don't you believe me?"

"Mum certainly believes you ..." Lu Qianlan said quickly.

"Isn't this enough? Rest assured, I'm not afraid of stress, and pressure is the motivation."

He also wants to become a better man, so that he can be worthy of ... being her friend.

Lu Yichen's eyes deepened.

"Mom, the doctor said, let you usually think positively and optimistically, don't think about negative things, don't let yourself down, good mood is better than any medicine, you don't think so much, everything has me You can eat. "Lu Yichen changed the subject.

Lu Qianlan nodded and continued to eat.

Almost finished, I remembered that Xin Zimo hadn't arrived yet.

"Isn't there something wrong with Zimo?" She couldn't help but worry, and said to Lu Yichen, "call her and see what's going on."

"Um." Lu Yichen also felt something wrong. Every time Xin Zimo said it, the slowest was within 20 minutes.

And she also knows Lu Qianlan's medication time. Since she told Lu Qianlan to eat together, she would not be so late.

Lu Yichen called Xin Zimo's phone.

After a long ring, no one answered.

Lu Yichen's expression sank slightly, until the phone was busy, and he dialed again.

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