Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1732: I won't like others anymore (3)

Lu Qianlan put down his chopsticks, anxious, "Can't get through?"

"You finished eating first, after eating and taking medicine, I went out to find her." No one answered the second time, Lu Yichen put down his cell phone and said to Lu Qianlan.

Where does Lu Qianlan still have appetite?

Lu Yichen saw that she had the last two mouthfuls. It didn't matter if she didn't eat, so she poured hot water and took the medicine she should take.

When the supervising mother finished taking the medicine, he got up and left, and went out to find Xin Zimo.

I went to her usual office and didn't see her.

I asked the familiar nurse and said I didn't see her.

Lu Yichen's brow frowned deeply, worried that something had happened to Xin Zimo.

Hesitating whether to go to the dean, that is, the stepfather of Xin Zimo, asked about the situation, and then heard another nurse hurried over.

"No, Miss Elena is entangled by a man who is so fierce that she has been dragging Miss Elena as if she is going to hit her again, so terrible!"

Lu Yichen asked with a calm face, "Where is she?"

The nurse froze, recognized him as Xin Zimo's friend, and pointed in the direction, "It's over the back door."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yichen ran there.

The distance was not too far away, and after a few minutes he saw the figure of Xin Zimo.

Sure enough, she was entangled by a man.

The man is white and tall and strong, but the facial features can still be seen as a bit childish, and he should be a student.

Lu Yichen guessed that the man might be Xin Zimo's classmate.

"You let go of me!" Shouted Xin Zimo, trying to break away the hand caught by the other party.

"Alina, I really like you, don't you also like me? We were so happy before, why, why did we suddenly break up? No, I don't accept the breakup!" The man said, holding Xin hard Purple Mo.

"You let me go first!" Xin Zimo was so anxious that the gap in her body made her completely unable to resist this man.

"I don't let go, I don't let go of you!"

The man said, and wanted to kiss her.

Xin Zimo was so reluctant that she was about to cry.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded like a sound of nature.


Lu Yichen rushed forward, pulling Xin Zimo out while the man was unprepared, and protecting him behind.

"Brother Yichen?" Xin Zimo saw him for a second, but soon became nervous and ashamed.

She didn't want him to know that she had a boyfriend!

When the man saw him intervene, he immediately became angry and stared at him fiercely, "What are you with me? My affairs with my girlfriend, don't worry about you! Get away!"

"I'm her ..." He wanted to say that he was Xin Zimo's friend.

However, the next second, Xin Zimo hurriedly interrupted him.

"He's my fiance! Martin, okay, I'll tell you frankly, I broke up with you because I got engaged to him! I don't like you anymore, please don't disturb my life?" Xin Zimo said as she burst into tears.

Martin was stunned. "What ... are you engaged? Impossible! Never heard of your engagement, you must have lied to me, right? You lied to me!"

Speaking, he was so angry that he felt that Lu Yichen was the third party to destroy them. He raised his fist and smashed into Lu Yichen.

"Don't!" Xin Zimo was anxious to stand in front of Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen was worried about her injury and stretched her long arm to pull her back.

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