Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1850: I do n’t know how to coax him (1)

The corner of her mouth was sweet, like a pet, and she pecked lightly at his pretty lips.

Then let go.

Ye Sijue squinted his eyes, as if dissatisfied.

that's it?

I thought she was bolder and would be more proactive, but still so shy and so green.

Of course, every aspect and every aspect of her was beautiful to him, and all he liked.

But he was not so satisfied.

Such a dragonfly kissed with water, but instead struck his heart like a feather, making him want to do more.

Thinking that she was leaving, and went back to the United States, they would not see each other for several days, Ye Sijue tightened his arms, anxious to rub her into her body.

The more you think, the more you desire to touch her.

This desire is directly reflected in the body.

The lower part of the two were closely attached, so Mo Xiaomeng could easily detect his change.

Mo Xiaomeng blushed, and yelled at him shamefully, "You don't want to ... you're only going to pass in the morning ..."

Did he forget that who tangled her in bed this morning prevented her from getting out of bed for most of the day?

It was only this evening, and it was not past twelve, and he wanted it again?

Ye Sijue hooked her lips lightly, her charming lips stuck to her little mouth, and kissed sweetly, her dark voice with a charming evil charm, such as a deadly subwoofer, said, "Not enough, even I've been in bed with you all day, and I don't think it's enough for you all day. "

Mo Xiaomeng's ears turned red with his explicit words.

"Don't say it, can't you say it."

Afraid that the heart could not bear, she quickly lifted his lips with his little hand and covered him with his palm.

Ye Sijue's blue eyes were filled with evil spirits, and he said nothing, but just reached out the tip of his tongue and licked her palm with the soft tongue.

Mo Xiaomen shook like an electric shock.

She wanted to withdraw her hand, and annoyed herself how to forget the inferiority of this guy.

However, it was too late.

What Ye Sijue wants to do is impossible for her to escape.

The big hand clasped her slender wrist. The thin white wrist was as light as white, thin and white and tender.

Sometimes, he thought that her wrist was too thin, and he was afraid that he would be broken by accident.

So she didn't know at all. When he was in love, he actually restrained a lot, so he was afraid of damaging her.

Against the background of his big hand, her hands seemed so small.

But the hand shape is beautiful.

Ye Sijue has also seen many beautiful women. Although he turned a blind eye to those beautiful women, he always saw them.

Especially in high society, in the powerful circles, girls are very self-care, and there are many piano learners, and their hands are generally pretty.

However, he never thought that any girl's hands looked good.

Only his little cute, her hands look so good, just like the flawless white jade, just like the perfect product created by heaven.

Mo Xiaomeng looked at him moistly.

He was like something delicious, licking the base of her finger.

What's more terrible is his expression at this time, too ... color ... angry ...

In Mo Xiaomeng's mind, the term 'color | qi' was never pretended.

However, since she was with Ye Sijue, she has more chances to think of the term.

Because he always likes to do something colorful to her ...

These are things she hasn't experienced before.

Although she also knows that boys are like this, when they are with a girl they like, they want to be closer.

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