Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1851: I do n’t know how to coax him (2)

But ... she thought the night lords would be different.

Unexpectedly, he was getting worse.

Thinking of the intimacy in the morning, Mo Xiaomeng now feels a little sour at the waist.

As her heartbeat accelerated, she looked at Ye Sijue and said shamefully, "I'm still sore ...

It has a bit of complaint.

Ye Sijue was not impatient.

It may have been fed in the morning, so he took it slowly this time, as if the cat had played the mouse first, and then ate it in one bite.

He responded, "Well, wait for you to rub."

Mo Xiaomeni laughed and shoved him. "I didn't mean this, you ... are you enough?"

"What do you say?" Ye Sijue's charming blue eyes provoked, and in turn threw the question to her.

Mo Xiaomeng didn't want to encourage his prestige, so he lied, "Enough."

Ye Sijue laughed, and felt that after contacting Xiaoxiao, her temperament had become a lot more active, and she would also make fun of him.

So it's no wonder she likes little so much.

He finally let go of her hand, but her tall body pressed down, clinging to her delicate body.

Unlike a tough man, she was fragrant and soft.

Mo Xiaomen patted his back, "You get up, you are so heavy."

Actually she was a little panicked, afraid he would really do that.

She has to go to bed early tonight, and get up early tomorrow, and have to rush back to the United States.

Because she knew that if he really started to do it, it wouldn't be enough once.

This is really an experience.

"Uncomfortable pressing you?" He asked.

Mo Xiaomeng beaked slightly and nodded, "Yeah, uncomfortable, you're getting up."

He didn't look at how tall he was, pressing her little, how could she bear it.

"it is good."

Unexpectedly, Ye Sijue was so obedient, he really held up his body and got up.

Mo Xiaomeng was relieved, thinking he was just making trouble.

Ye Sijue held her thin waist and turned over.

The posture of the two became her up and down.

He said, "You won't feel uncomfortable if you press on me, right?"

Mo Xiaomen was teased by him, "It's not uncomfortable, but I don't want to press you. You are so hard. It's not as soft as a bed. Isn't it comfortable to lie on you?"

He just wanted to sue him.

However, she didn't know what she said wrong, and someone's body became hotter.

Mo Xiaomeng felt like he was lying on a fire.

Ye Sijue's voice was rough, "Some words can't be used to make fun of you, you know?"

Especially when facing a man, a word cannot be said.

Mo Xiaomeng didn't understand, the beautiful little face was dumbfounded.

"What word?"

Ye Sijue paused, apparently did not want to repeat.

He was afraid he would not be able to restrain himself and really wanted her.

I just wanted to have a close relationship with her, I didn't want to really achieve the final degree.

After all, she was going to fly tomorrow, and he didn't want to make her too tired.

Ye Sijue bowed her head and bit her red lips, and said helplessly, "Nothing."

Originally wanted to let her go, her hands clasped her waist, trying to hold her up.

Who didn't think of it, Mo Xiaomeng also had a stubborn temper. He pressed his palms against his chest and asked, "Which word, what did you just say? I didn't understand, you tell me."

"You don't want to get up, do you?" Ye Sijue asked in turn.

Mo Xiaomeng was lying on him, and naturally he could easily feel the state of his body.

She flushed her cheeks and hurried down from him.

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