Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1852: I do n’t know how to coax him (3)

Ye Sijue wiped his hair with his fingers, took a deep breath, and when he got out of bed, he was ready to go to the bathroom.

At this time, music sounded in the room.

It was Mo Xiaomeng's phone that rang.

Who is it so late?

Both have this question at the same time.

Mo Xiaomeng found the phone. When he looked at the electricity, he was a little surprised. "It's Chris."

Ye Sijue rises, how could it be him?

What did he call?

Although Chris made clear his attitude before, he took the initiative to cancel the engagement with Mo Xiaomeng.

But as long as Ye Sijue thought, this guy almost became Mo Xiaomeng's fiance, and he would always be jealous of this person.

Mo Xiaomeng answered the phone after speaking.

"Hey, Chris ... uh, that ... I haven't got on the plane yet. I'm probably going back tomorrow. What time is it? I'm not sure ... what? Did you arrange the plane and let me go to the airport now?"

When he heard something surprising, Mo Xiaomeng stared at his eyes in surprise.

She stared blankly at Lord Sirke.

Ye Sijue frowned, walked back to her, wanting to see what happened.

"What arranges the plane? What does he mean?"

Mo Xiaomeng said something to Chris again, but she was obviously taken away by the nose.

There, Chris hung up.

Mo Xiaomeni cried with a small face and said to Ye Sijue, "What should I do?"

"What did he say?" Lord Ye Si endured his anger, first asking what was happening.

Mo Xiaomeng said dumbly, "Chris said it was too late for me to go back tomorrow, so he has arranged a private jet to let me go to the airport now and then pick me up immediately."

Ye Sijue frowned even deeper. If Chris was in front of him at this point, he might have to fight.

"When will you go back without him worrying?"

"But ..." Mo Xiaomeng was in a dilemma, hugged him and hugged his waist, soothing, "Well, don't you be angry, anyway, I will go back tomorrow, and I will go back tonight the same ...

As soon as Ye Sijue heard this, he understood that Jun's face was calm.

"So, are you going to listen to him and take his flight back to the United States?"

Mo Xiaomeng didn't want him to be angry, he could only continue to coax him, explaining, "My family also hopes that I will go back early. We have Christmas here, not like here. It ’s good to celebrate Christmas Eve together. Hanging things, preparing gifts, and getting together ... "

Ye Sijue's face still doesn't look good.

Mo Xiaomeng couldn't help it, sighed and had to go up to kiss the corner of his mouth.

"Well, don't be angry, I'll be here soon after Christmas, will you?"

Ye Sijue still did not speak.

Mo Xiaomeng didn't know what to do, and was very anxious.

After the two were together, they hadn't had an argument yet.

Even in her ten-year life, she hardly ever quarreled with anyone.

So she didn't know what to do.

The more you care, the more anxious you are.

Mo Xiaomeng could only hug him tightly, cuddling like a well-behaved cat in his arms, with a taste of coquetry.

"Don't be angry, Sir, don't you be angry, okay, don't be angry."

Ye Sijue exhaled, blue eyes staring at her deeply.

He said softly, "I'm not angry."

Mo Xiaomeng shook his head, expressing disbelief.

Although she is simple, she is not stupid. How can she not see that he is angry?

He was too tall, she had to stand on her toes to kiss him.

Mo Xiaomeng forcibly pulled him, walked over to the edge of the bed, and carried him down.

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