Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1858: Yin Shaojie and father fell into the water at the same time (1)

It may be too comfortable to soak in the warm water, and she slowly quieted down.

Yin Shaoxu resisted the impulse and flushed her.

It was just the tender hand under his palm that was so good that it made him want to move.

Big hands rubbing on her ...

At this moment, music sounded outside.

Yin Shaojie was shocked, and Jun had a embarrassment when he was caught doing bad things.

He heard Mu Xiaoxiao's phone.

Who will be so late?

Generally speaking, it won't bother people to sleep so late unless there is something important.

Yin Shaojie sighed and took Mu Xiaoxiao out of the bathtub.

Leaving the warm water, Mu Xiaoxiao frowned a little unhappyly.

Yin Shaoyi wrapped her in a towel and hugged her out of the bathroom.

Mu Xiaoxiao grabbed his neck naturally, his face buried on his shoulder.

He placed her on the bed.

The cell phone was still ringing. He swept at it casually, and saw the caller's display as the word 'dad', and suddenly hesitated.

Mu Zhengbai called.

Yin Shaojie didn't dare to neglect, covered Mu Xiao with a quilt, and reached out to get his mobile phone.

"Hey, Uncle Mu."

There, Mu Zhengbai apparently heard it was him, not Mu Xiaoxiao, and asked, "Where is Xiaoxiao? Is she asleep?"

It's almost twelve.

Yin Shao shouted, "Well, she is very tired today and fell asleep early. Is there anything you want? Would you like me to tell you? Or when she wakes up tomorrow, I will tell her again that you called and asked her Call you back. "

"The same thing asks you about this. When did Xiao Xiao book return to the United States? You should come over for Christmas, too?" Mu Zhengbai asked.

Hearing that, Yin Shaoyan looked for a moment.

"Do you want to ... go back to America for Christmas?"

Mu Zhengbai asked questioningly, "Did she not tell you? She promised me on her birthday, and she accompanied me at Christmas."

"I remembered it, she said that I was too busy recently, and forgot it for a while." Yin Shaoji changed his voice, not wanting Mu Zhengbai to worry.

Mu Zhengbai was relieved, and understood, "It's Christmas and New Year's Day recently. As the president of the Student Council, you are busy and normal. Are you free to accompany the younger to the United States? Since two festivals Come together and spend Christmas and New Year's Day right here. "

Yin Shaoyi groaned for a while, frowning, looking unwilling, but did not know how to refuse.

"This matter ... I'll talk to Xiaoxiao tomorrow and let her call you then."

"Okay, then you sleep too, it's late."


After hanging up the phone, Yin Shaoxu looked heavy.

The man on the bed wriggled, and then he returned to his senses, and his deep black eyes looked at Mu Xiaoxiao's face facing him.

He put the phone away, stretched his arms out, and rubbed her cheek.

She had a good smell all over her body just after taking a bath, and her skin was like drinking milk, so tender that she could pump milk.

Yin Shaoji touched her bangs and found that some of her hair was wet.

He wiped her off with a bath towel, drew it off, and let her lie down.

He went and fetched a hairdryer.

Sitting on the bed with her head resting on the inside of her elbow, he blows her hair.

The raised position made Mu Xiaoxiao feel uncomfortable and twisted a few times.

Fortunately, there is not much wet hair, so Yin Shaojie just blows her at will, and it just dries slightly.

Put her little head back on the pillow.

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