Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1859: Yin Shaojie and father fell into the water at the same time (2)

Mu Xiaoxiao felt comfortable, and his small face froze on the soft pillow, and continued to sleep peacefully.

Yin Shaojiu put the hair dryer on the bedside table, then dived down and lay with her.

This girl is so sleepless.

However, he could only stare at her sleeping face with a full heart.

Yin Shaojie looked at her deeply, and her slender fingers rubbed her cheeks.

Back to America at Christmas ...

In the dark, a low voice asked, "If I said that you should not go back to America to spend Christmas with your father, would you be angry?"


Mu Xiaoxiao had a very strange dream.

In the dream, her father and Yin Shaojie didn't know how they both fell into the water.

The two struggled in the water and asked her for help together.

"Little! Save me! I can't swim!"

"Daughter! Save me! I can't stand it!"

Mu Xiaoxiao was so panicked on the shore that she didn't know what to do. Yin Shaojie and her father were separated by a distance.

How to do?

Who will help her?

But looking around, the world seems to be empty. She is the only one and cannot see the others.

"Help!" She called with her hands around her mouth.

However, no one came out.

In this world, it seems that she is the only one left with her father and Yin Shaoji.

Looking at the heads of Yin Shaojiao and Dad, the water was gone, Mu Xiaoxiao was so anxious to cry.

How to do……

What should she do ...

At this time, a figure appeared beside her, a stranger, and asked her, "Your husband and your father fell into the water at the same time. Which one do you choose to save?"

Mu Xiaoxiao shouted, "What?"

The other person repeated, "Your husband and your father fell into the water at the same time. Which one do you choose to save?"

"I want to save both! Who are you?" Mu Xiaoxiao shouted at the man impatiently, with a very angry expression on his face.

The other party just repeated again and again.

"Your husband and your father fell into the water at the same time. Which one do you choose to save?"

"are you crazy!"

"You can only answer one, either Yin Shaojie or your father, please choose."

"Choose your sister!" Mu Xiao was so angry that he exploded.

"You don't have a younger sister, so you are not in the options. You can't choose Yin Shaojie or your father, please choose one."

Mu Xiaoxiao was crazy by this man.

Both of them are the most important people in her life, and she cannot lose either.

Why should she choose one?

She doesn't choose one!

"I don't choose, I'll save both!"

"No, only one can be saved, tell me quickly, your husband and your father fell into the water at the same time, which one do you choose to save? Now countdown, within five seconds, you must answer, or both will die."

Mu Xiaoxiao blushed and shouted at the man, "Who are you! Go away!"

The other side counted down, "Five or Four ..."

The sense of urgency that was on the verge of crushing Mu Xiao's heart was driving her crazy.


Mu Xiaoxiao's mind was blank, his head was clasped with both hands.

"No, I don't choose ..."


Mu Xiaoxiao collapsed and growled: "Shut up! Shut up! Stop counting! Shut up!"




Mu Xiaoxi woke up from the dream in a horror, a cold sweat, his eyes were dull, and he looked at the ceiling indifferently.

Her head seemed to tighten, making her uncomfortable.

I don't remember dreaming in the past, but this nightmare is so clear.

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