Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1860: Yin Shaojie and father fell into the water at the same time (3)

It's almost like it happened.

"What a ghost dream ..." Mu Xiaoxiao muttered, his face wrinkled, thinking of this dream was particularly unpleasant, and the whole person's mood became bad, very bad.

In my mind, the abominable voice was still echoing.

"Your husband and your father fell into the water at the same time. Which one do you choose to save?"

Mu Xiaoxiao tapped his forehead with annoyance and dispelled the **** voice.

Somehow, how could I have such a dream.

Are people asking this question stupid?

Yin Shaojie and her dad can both swim, so she doesn't need to be rescued at all.

Mu Xiaoxiao was depressed early in the morning. When she got up, she felt that her head was dizzy, a bit like a cold.

"Yes, when did I fall asleep yesterday?"

She tilted her head and thought, but she didn't seem to remember.

The nightmare is so clear.

How to achieve it is blurred.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, subconsciously leaned over to the other side of the bed, and shouted, "Well ..."

However, my hand was empty.

The other half of the bed was empty and empty.

"Yin Shaoxing?" She shouted again, thinking that Yin Shaoxing was in the bathroom.

But after waiting for a while, I didn't hear a response, nor did I hear a sound in the bathroom.

Mu Xiaoxiao's bad mood has become even worse.

I want to find him to comfort myself ...

"Early in the morning, where did he go?"

A bit complaining tone.

"Yin Shaoxing!" She was unhappy and shouted into the air.

Still no response.

Abomination, abomination, abomination!

Mu Xiaoxiao felt like he was going to explode.

Obviously nothing is wrong, Yin Shaojie may just go downstairs.

But she felt very irritable, and was in a very bad mood. It felt like a big rock was pressing her, which made her very uncomfortable.

She just wanted to see Yin Shaojie's people and let him hug herself for comfort.

Then her bad mood will be relieved.

Just a nightmare, Mu Xiaoxiao told himself not to care.

It was stupid to be affected by a nightmare.

However, a bad mood is a bad mood.

Mu Xiaoxiao worked hard to adjust, but the effect was minimal.

She sighed heavily, turned over and got out of bed, intending to go to Yin Shaoxing herself.

After washing, she hurried down the stairs.

"Yin Shaoxing." She started shouting into the living room on the stairs.

The servant bowed, and said, "Miss, master."

Mu Xiaoxiao said in disbelief, "What? He went out? Where did he go so early?"

"This ... I don't know, the master went out very early." The servant said in a dilemma.

Mu Xiaoxiao went to the sofa and sat down, his face stubborn.

Asshole Yin Shaoyi, where did you go early in the morning.

Don't tell her.

The maid stood beside her and asked, "Miss, what would you like for breakfast?"

Mu Xiaoxiao has no appetite, but still wants to eat, can't be hungry.

She comforted herself, probably because of Christmas activities. Yin Shaojiu went to school early.

Who makes his boyfriend the president of the student union?

This is also impossible.

After some self-pacification, she felt better and went to breakfast.

Today, there is no Yin Shaoyi to send her, so I can only take the driver's car to school.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt weird, holding his chin and looking out of the car.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, a reminder sound of WeChat.

It was WeChat from Han Qiqing.

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