Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1866: If I let you stay (1)

"Little, what's wrong?" Han Qiqing asked her worriedly, looking at her look wrong.

Mu Xiaoxiao's face was a little pale, and her heart was guilty and tangled.

She cried, looking at Han Qiqing and saying, "What to do ... I forgot to promise my father to go back to spend Christmas with him ..."

Han Qiqing froze and exclaimed, "What? You want to go back to America for Christmas? But we just said so ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao held his head, his voice was uncomfortable, "I'm sorry Qiqing ..."

She's messy now too!

Han Qiqing can understand her mood and pat the back of her hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay, it's more important that you stay with your dad. Your dad is in the United States and must miss you."

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed and said guiltily, "It's all my fault, how could I forget such an important agreement? I actually forgot, how can I forget!"

She blames herself!

Han Qiqing quickly comforted her, "Little, don't do this, you didn't forget it on purpose, your dad knew it, and he won't be angry with you."

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "I can't let my dad know that I forgot ... I never forgot my appointment with him. This is the first time."

Han Qiqing didn't know how to comfort her, but was reluctant to return to the United States.

With a sad face, she told Mu Xiao novel, "Are you really going to return to the United States?"

But I don't want you to go ...

In the last sentence, Han Qiqing didn't say it and swallowed his stomach.

At this time, she couldn't say, if she did, Xiao Xiao would be very embarrassed, right?

Mu Xiaoxiao grew more and more anxious.

Today is the 23rd and tomorrow will be the Christmas Eve on the 24th, so she must fly back to the United States today.

I knew, I knew I should have left with Mo Xiaomeng last night!

"No, I have to quickly ask Yin Shaoyu to help me prepare the plane. It is faster to take a private jet." Mu Xiaoxiao quickly pulled out his cell phone.

Han Qiqing reached out and stopped, saying, "Wait, you ... Have you thought about ..."

"Thinking about it?" Mu Xiao looked at her puzzledly.

Han Qiqing stubbornly said, "It's you and Yin Shaojie. If you go back to the United States for Christmas, do you want to leave him alone at the Christmas ball?"

"This ... he can come with me ..." This question, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't even think about it, this is the answer.

Han Qiqing looked wrongly, "Do you want him to go to the United States with you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't understand why she looked like that.

She is inseparable from Yin Shaojie. Where she goes, he accompanies her. Isn't this normal?

"Isn't it okay?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked.

Han Qiqing said, "Little, have you forgotten? This Christmas ball, such a grand event, Yin Shaoyi, as the chairman of the Student Union, he must attend, and this time is different, and also co-organized with the first He must not be absent. If there is any mistake, this will affect the image of Suntech. "

As much power as you have, you have as many responsibilities as you have.

For such a big event, if Yin Shaozhen is not present, both the Shangde School and the No.1 Middle School will think that Yin Shaohua doesn't pay much attention.

And if something goes wrong, Yin Shaojie's ability will be questioned.

Mu Xiaoxiao was worried and said depressed, "So, can I only return to the United States by myself?"

But she didn't want to be separated from Yin Shaoji.

Han Qiqing frowned, and said to her solemnly, "However, when you leave, Yin Shao's position as a companion is vacant ..."

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