Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1867: If I let you stay (2)

"Do you know how much sensation this news would cause if it spreads? Whether it's Suntech or the first middle school, the girls will be crazy, and they should be Yin Shaoyin's companion if you break your head. Are the girls together? "

"He doesn't need a female companion ..."

Mu Xiaoxiaoguang was very uncomfortable when she thought of other girls beside Yin Shaojiu.

Han Qiqing smiled bitterly. "He is the president of the student council. At that time, the dance party asked him to start with his female partner. This is a Suntech tradition."

Therefore, even if there is no female companion, Yin Shaojie must dance with a girl.

Mu Xiaoxiao bit her lip and fell into silence.

What should I do?

She doesn't want Yin Shaoji to have a girl companion other than her!

Mu Xiaoxiao was tangled and lay on the table with a whimper, "What to do ... Qi Qing, tell me how to solve this matter ..."

Her mind was as messy as a hemp, and she was completely unclear.

Han Qiqing supported his chin and was equally distressed. He shrugged and said, "This matter is too tangled. It is me, and I don't know what to do."

Dad and boyfriend must choose one.

This is simply the historical problem of ‘wife and mother who fall into the water at the same time and save first’.

Mu Xiaoxiao said pitifully, "But I didn't talk to my dad on my birthday. I promised my dad at that time and went back to spend Christmas with him ... I can't say nothing!"

She herself hates untrustworthy people.

So she didn't want to be the kind of person she hated.

Han Qiqing added a knife. "But you also promised Yin Shaoyan to accompany him to the Christmas ball. At this time, he must have made a custom dress, or a couple's dress. You leave him alone, in his heart ..."

After describing it, but found that Mu Xiaoxiao's face was getting worse and worse, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Little ..."

Han Qiqing looked at her anxiously.

Mu Xiaoxiao put his forehead on the table, distraught.

"What to do? What to do? What to do……"

Han Qiqing reached out and rubbed her head distressed, sighing, "You can only choose one."

Mu Xiaoxiao heard the words and froze his forehead again.

叩 叩 磕, this time a little bit hard.

She raised her head in depression, rubbed her forehead, her face wrinkled into a bun.

"How do you choose ..."

This reminded Mu Xiaoxiao of the nightmare I had this morning.

Yin Shaojie and her father fell into the water at the same time, letting her choose who to save.


Mu Xiaoxiao could not help swearing.

Who said that dreams and reality are opposite?

who is it!

Stand out and I promise not to kill you!

She was still weird, why somehow had that dream.

It turned out to be a notice of what is about to happen ...

Mu Xiaoxiao hugged Han Qiqing's arm and asked, "Qiqing, please help me think of a way."

Han Qiqing also wanted to help her, but she couldn't think of the best of both worlds.

"Otherwise ... you can discuss it with Yin Shaojie, maybe he can come up with a solution? Besides, he will spoil you so much and won't make you embarrassed."

Instead, she felt that it was very likely that Yin Shaojie would let go of school and accompany her back to the United States for Christmas.

Mu Xiaoxiao is right to think about it, he can only find Yin Shaoji.

She quickly called Yin Shaojie.

However, the ringtone rang for a long time and no one answered.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze, his eyes narrowed, "He didn't answer the phone ..."

She was so confused that she hit it again.

But still missed.

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