Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1926: Alas, I miss you so much (1)

In the afternoon.

The forum has not recovered when, and there is a new post with a terrifying title.

——Liu Shao had a car accident, the life and death are currently unknown!

The content of the post reads that there were fewer car accidents and serious injuries, while Jiang Ranxi, who was in the same car, suffered only minor injuries. He is currently in a private hospital in city A.

The news instantly shocked the entire Suntech.

In the evening, it is the Christmas ball. Everyone is still discussing what kind of surprises the ball will have. If Shao Shao starts dancing with Jiang Ranxi, will there be any unexpected plots?

Many people are looking forward to it, Mu Xiaoxiao can suddenly appear at the prom, tearing up with Jiang Ranxi ...

"What's the matter? Really? Didn't Shao take Jiang Ranxi away in the morning? Did the two really have a car accident?"

"Jiang Ranxi is a mean woman! Why did she suffer a minor injury, but she is still alive and dead! She should be the one who died!"

"After Jiang Ranxi appeared, there was nothing good about Xiao Shao, she was a broom star!"

Everyone was worried about Shao's situation and wondered if he was out of danger.

There are also girls who opened a post and prayed to Shao. Many people posted it. It was only one afternoon that this post became the most replied post in the history of the forum.

By the end of the afternoon, some people broke the news.

"What **** hurts slightly, Jiang Ranxi didn't have any injuries at all! I went to the hospital to inquire. This accident was not an accident, it seems to be artificial. Don't you think it's strange? Why Jiang Ranxi didn't have any injuries but still hid He was pretending to be injured in the hospital. He is currently in the intensive care unit and I heard that he is not out of danger. "

The news sparked the anger of the Sunde people.

Many girls, especially girls, have a crush or a crush on Yin Shaoyan. Although they know it is impossible for them to follow him, as long as they like him silently and look at him, they are satisfied.

Their male **** is now uncertain about life and death. Many people are scared to tears, and they are anxious to find out which hospital Yin Shaojiu is in.

It's just that the people who broke the news refused to tell the hospital, saying they were afraid that everyone would disturb them.

Many girls couldn't bear it, crying and begging, their tears fell down.

Finally, the landlord who broke the news was still relentless and told the hospital.

Many people began to scold Jiang Ranxi, all kinds of speculations were emerging, and some people suspected that the car accident was planned by Jiang Ranxi. She could not die, and she would die with him.

"Think about how good Shao ’s car skills are! I have seen Shao Shao playing in the car and never lost. Everyone is a loser of his team! Shao Shao is so powerful, how could there be a car accident, so this car accident It can only be artificial! Anyway, I just think it has something to do with Jiang Ranxi. "

"It ’s very reasonable to think about it. Before that, Shao Shao had such a good relationship with Mu Xiaoxiao. How could he suddenly break up and reunite with Jiang Ranxi? Maybe Jiang Ranxi wanted to reunite with Shao Shao, but Shao Shao only had Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to reunite with her, so Jiang Ranxi hated, and she would die with Wu Shao, so that they can stay together forever. "

"Oh! Why is Jiang Ranxi so perverted! She wants to die on her own! Why is it that we are holding us down, bitch!"

The popularity of this post is getting higher and higher, and it has been echoed by many people.

Anyway, there is something wrong with Xun Shao, it is definitely related to Jiang Ranxi, she can't get rid of it!

After knowing which hospital, many people in Suntech went to the hospital.

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