Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1927: Alas, I miss you so much (2)

But they couldn't find the ward of Shao Shao, so they all concentrated at the door of Jiang Ranxi's ward.


The door of the ward seemed to be demolished and knocked loudly.

Jiang Ranxi in the room was so frightened that he hid in the toilet and didn't dare to come out.

"Jiang Ranxi! You come out! Open the door! You bitch, you're the one who hurt you! If you have something, you don't want to live!"

"Jiang Ran, you bitch, if you want to die, you should die yourself! Trash like you should die early!"

"Open the door! There are no injuries at all, and you are still pretending, Jiang Ranxi, you are not disgusting! Do you know that Shao Shao is still alive and dead?"

The girls outside shouted, as if Jiang Ranxi would go out, she would tear her to pieces.

Jiang Ranxi was trembling in the toilet.

She had never encountered such a terrible battle.

Even when I was dating with Shao Shao, I became a dance partner of Shao Shao at that time, which made all girls jealous.

Too scary!

Jiang Ranxi almost scared her courage, and she didn't know what to do.

She was afraid she would be killed by these girls as soon as she went out.

The fragile door panel was kicked loudly.

This frightened her, fearing that the door would break in the next second, and people outside would rush in.


She can't stay here, she wants to go out, she wants to run away!

Jiang Ranxi shuffled her soft feet and shook out of the toilet.

The outside voice was clearer in the ward, and there were various words of cursing at her.

She looked around and there was nowhere to escape except the balcony.

Is it going to climb down the balcony?

She doesn't dare!

"Bang bang—" It sounded like a house demolishing.

Jiang Ranxi panicked. She always felt that the door was about to break. She hurried to the balcony.

Just then, the door fell to the ground!

A lot of girls rushed in, all eyes were killed.

"Jiang Ranxi! Give me back my uncle!"

"Jiang Ranxi! It's you that killed Shaoyou, you have to pay for it!"

Jiang Ranxi cried, shaking his head and saying, "I ... I didn't mean it! I don't know what happened ..."

A tall girl carried her back from the balcony, dragged her back to the ward, and threw her to the ground.

"You slut! Bitch!"

Jiang Ranxi could only hold his head helplessly, crying and said, "Woohoo, I don't know why this happened. I fainted later, what happened, I don't know ..."

The people in the hospital were afraid of death and rushed in to pull the girls away.

Several security guards pulled hard and rescued Jiang Ranxi.

Jiang Ranxi was beaten on the face without knowing how many slaps, her face was red and swollen, and her hair was torn like a madwoman.

In the crowd, a girl cried.

"I lost one leg!"

It turned out that there was the latest news that Yin Shaojie injured a leg in a car accident and might have amputated.

The news was literally thunderous, and many girls were crying.

Their shamelessness is perfect like a godlike shamelessness!

How can I lose a leg!

All blame Jiang Ranxi, it's all Jiang Ranxi's fault!

A group of girls were crazy, their anger flushed their eyes, and no matter what the security guards were obstructing, they rushed up to Jiangjiang again.

Jiang Ranxi heard the news, and her legs and feet softened and collapsed on the ground.

Next, there was constant bad news on the forum.

Under pressure from the middle school, Jiang Ranxi was eventually replaced and another girl was re-elected.

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