Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2045: Not her mother (4)

This woman does look a lot like her mother.

At least seven images, especially the side photos, made her look a little dazed.

But the positive, other pose photos showed that it was not her mother.

Mu Xiaoxiao remembered that she looked face to face with Shen Meiling two hours ago.

At that time, she really thought she was her mother, and she looked incredible.

But now looking at the photos, I can clearly distinguish between different people.

Why is this happening?

Mu Xiaoxiao told Yin Shaojie his doubts.

Before waiting for Shao Yin to open his mouth for analysis, Nemo stepped in. "Make up!"

Nemo cut out the pictures of the previous surveillance video and compared them with Shen Meiling's daily photos.

"You see, she's obviously put on makeup, and it's different from her usual makeup."

Nemo analyzed with his chin. "It's very likely that she has seen your mother's picture, so she intentionally made herself look like your mother to please your father."

People who originally had six or seven imaging, relying on make-up technology to achieve a perfect image, is not a problem at all.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know what he was thinking, his face was low.

Nemo turned to look at her, "Don't you want a new mother?"

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly looked up and angered him, "No! I don't!"

Originally, she did not exclude her father from looking for a girlfriend. She felt that she could not stay with her father often, and her father would be lonely.

but now……

This woman looks like her mother.

She couldn't accept it.

She didn't want a woman like her mother to be her new mother!

This feeling made her feel as if she betrayed her mother.

Nemo didn't expect her reaction to be so big, a little puzzled, "What's wrong with this, is it bad for you to have a new mother?"

"No! Not at all!" Mu Xiaoxiao yelled at him angrily.

As if roaring like this, this cannot happen.

Nemo felt funny, "Are you worried that your father has a new mother and your mind is not on you? I never expected that you are so old and jealous like a child."

"Not so!" Mu Xiao was very confused and didn't know how to explain to him.

She is not jealous.

She is not opposed to her dad seeking someone to accompany him.

But she couldn't accept that the woman looked so much like her mother.

Actually ... she can understand why Dad likes this woman, because Dad still loves mom so much.

Dad just took this woman as his mother's stand-in.

But that's what she couldn't accept.

Understanding is one thing, acceptance is another ...

She can't accept it, she just can't accept it!

Nemo watched her tears burst out, panic, and quickly shouted to Yin Shaoyi, "Hey, your wife is crying! Hurry up to coax her!"

I wouldn't have teased her if I knew it.

As soon as Yin Shaoyan's hand reached out, he felt a petite figure fluttering into his arms.

Mu's small face was buried tightly in his chest.

The sobbing cry came out slowly.

"I don't ... I don't want a new mother ... I don't want this woman to be my new mother ..."

Yin Shaojie stroked her head, and said with a magnetic voice, "Fool, who said she is your new mother? Didn't your father say it? Before you figure it out, you'll just cry blindly, stupid? "

Mu Xiaoxiao meal.

Yin Shaoji said again, "What this guy Nemo said was never allowed, so rest assured that this woman must not be your new mother."

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